Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: June 21, 2022 at 6:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

19.) Napa County Animal Shelter Contract Extension

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    Connie Adams over 2 years ago

    Chris James at June 18, 2022 at 12:02pm PDT
    Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor and Council members,

    As a resident of American Canyon, I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter for our community cats and microchipping services for American Canyon pets. I with help have TNR 18 cats and I feed them without help, money comes from my own pocket, there are many more feral cats in my neighborhood which is the American Canyon Mobile Home Park. I’ve lived here 25 yrs and there was never a problem with cats until someone left their cats behind when they moved.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:

    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Cyn cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for our community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere, with vaccinations included as well.

    2) Free microchipping for pet cats and dogs to facilitate reuniting lost animals with their families. It would be ideal if this service could be provided in American Cyn on a regular basis. Microchips can be purchased in bulk for $5. Additionally, it would be great if our local Police Station is provided with a microchip reader so reunions can be expedited.

    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter and humane trap/neuter/return.

    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allow placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Connie Adams

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    Jerry Negrete over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor & Council Members,

    As a resident of American Canyon, I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter for our community cats and microchipping services for American Canyon pets. My wife, Rose Negrete, dedicates her time/ volunteering to help with population control of our city's currant ongoing explosion of kitten's and free roaming cats. Rose is also one of the feeders at an 18 Cat Colony and has taken on feeding another colony nearby. We have also most recently opened up our home to short tern fostering of kittens because of the increasing need and lacking help from the Napa County Animal Shelter due to this being "Kitten Season". Rose shares her frustrations with me quite often, though having voucher's for spay/neuter there is no guarantee's she will get in on any given day. With the currant gas prices being what they are, we need to be wise and frugal and come up with a better plan of set appointments. also, help with more trap rentals here in our city is needed. My understanding is we only have 2 traps available for rental here at our local Police Department not enough for the number of people that live in our city.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:
    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Cyn cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for our community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere, with vaccinations included as well.
    2) Free microchipping for pet cats and dogs to facilitate reuniting lost animals with their families. It would be ideal if this service could be provided in American Cyn on a regular basis. Microchips can be purchased in bulk for $5. Additionally, it would be great if our local Police Station is provided with a microchip reader so reunions can be expedited.
    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter and humane trap/neuter/return.
    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allow placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you,
    Jerry Negrete

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    Chris James over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor and Council members,

    As a resident of American Canyon, I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter for our community cats and microchipping services for American Canyon pets.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:

    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Cyn cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for our community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere, with vaccinations included as well.

    2) Free microchipping for pet cats and dogs to facilitate reuniting lost animals with their families. It would be ideal if this service could be provided in American Cyn on a regular basis. Microchips can be purchased in bulk for $5. Additionally, it would be great if our local Police Station is provided with a microchip reader so reunions can be expedited.

    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter and humane trap/neuter/return.

    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allow placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Chris James

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    Kat Siler over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and City Council Members.
    Hi my name is Kathleen (Kat) Hamilton, former resident and feral community cat manager of the Donaldson Way School Community Colony..I support TNVR because I have literally proved that it works.
    3 years ago at the beginning of Covid, I with help TNVRed that colony and 3 years later the colony remains the same..No litters, no new cats. It works! When you manage the colony you can control it..But it starts with TNVR..Killing cats is just a cowards lazy way..With residents letting domestic cats free roam how could you even be sure your not killing a owned'll just start all over again. The only way to truly manage them is to TNVR, Spay/Neuter..It's the only way..The clinic is accepting domesticated cats but we need to TNVR our feral community colonies..
    Finally a managed colony is great for lessening our rodent population..It's proven to work..We need guaranteed Spay/ Neuter appointments for our communities cats as well..

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    Ethan Leighty over 2 years ago

    Dear City Council,

    My name is Ethan Leighty. I am 12 years old and live in American Canyon. My Mom and I feed a colony of feral cats at Donaldson Way. There are a lot of them. It is a big responsibility and it’s expensive. There are a lot of cats in our town that need help. I’m worried about the homeless cats on the street all the time. They need more help then they are getting right now. We can’t don’t all by ourselves.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:
    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Cyn cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for our community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere, with vaccinations included as well.
    2) Free microchipping for pet cats and dogs to facilitate reuniting lost animals with their families. It would be ideal if this service could be provided in American Cyn on a regular basis. Microchips can be purchased in bulk for $5. Additionally, it would be great if our local Police Station is provided with a microchip reader so reunions can be expedited.
    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter and humane trap/neuter/return.
    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allow placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you,

    Ethan Leighty

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    Jason Leighty over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and City Council members,

    As a resident of American Canyon, I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter for our community cats and microchipping services for American Canyon pets.
    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:
    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Cyn cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for our community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere, with vaccinations included as well.
    2) Free microchipping for pet cats and dogs to facilitate reuniting lost animals with their families. It would be ideal if this service could be provided in American Cyn on a regular basis. Microchips can be purchased in bulk for $5. Additionally, it would be great if our local Police Station is provided with a microchip reader so reunions can be expedited.
    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter and humane trap/neuter/return.
    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allow placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you,

    Jason Leighty

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    Neyda Mazariegos over 2 years ago

    As a resident of American Canyon, I have personally raised kittens from just a day old because they were orphans. Their mom had been hit by a car as she was roaming the streets looking for food. Unfortunately, many community cats suffer the same consequences. Our cat population has grown exponentially because it is harder to get spay and neuter services. And when we try to take found kittens to the shelter, the shelter is not able to take them in because they are full. I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter services for American Canyon community cats. We need more education about the benefits of spay and neuter in our community but most importantly our city needs access to spay and neuter services.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:
    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Canyon cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere.

    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter benefits for pets and benefits of a trap/neuter/return program for community cats.

    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allowing placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.


    Neyda Mazariegos

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    Francisco Jimenez over 2 years ago

    City Council:

    As residents of American Canyon, we are in support of more spay and neuter services for our city. We have our two beloved cats. They are both neutered. We adopted them through a local rescue. The rescue did an amazing job raising and caring for them, but it took us a while to finally get our two kittens to join our family. Why? Because even though the kittens were already old enough to get their neuter surgery, the rescue was facing many challenges with locating spay/neuter services. They ended up taking our kittens on a road trip to Fresno to get them neutered. This shouldn’t be the case. We should have local services readily available.
    On my street alone, we see many community cats roaming which means many more kittens are being born on the streets – when does this cycle end? I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter services for American Canyon community cats. We need more education about the benefits of spay and neuter in our community but most importantly our city needs access to spay and neuter services.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:

    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Canyon cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere.

    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter benefits for pets and benefits of a trap/neuter/return program for community cats.

    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allowing placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.

    The Jimenez Family

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    Lilian Diaz over 2 years ago

    City Council:

    As a resident of American Canyon, I am aware of the growing need for spay/neuter services for American Canyon community cats. On my street alone, there are many stray cats that are in need of spay/neuter. Even though my household doesn’t have cats, we hear the yowling and fights from the cats outside. We recently found a mom and kittens in our backyard. Again, I don’t have cats, but they are coming to us because they are looking for a safe place. We need more education about the benefits of spay and neuter but most importantly our city needs access to spay and neuter services.

    Please address this deficit in our next contract with the Napa County Animal shelter. Specifically, please include in our contract:

    1) Spay/neuter surgery appointments dedicated to American Canyon cats -- currently we have zero guaranteed appointments for community cats at the county's spay/neuter provider, Napa Humane. We request the new contract explicitly include guaranteed access of at least 2 days per month at Napa Humane, or similar access provided elsewhere.

    3) Resources to support outreach and education to residents about spay/neuter benefits for pets and benefits of a trap/neuter/return program for community cats.

    I also would like the city to support the community cat population with food donations and allowing placement of a food donation barrel in the lobby of City Hall for residents to participate.

    Lilian Diaz