Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: March 05, 2024 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10.) Elections Code Section 9212 Report Regarding Measure K

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    Geena Saavedra 7 months ago

    I oppose Measure K and am disappointed to discover that this decision may no longer be up to the residents of American Canyon, despite what was previously implied when the petition was circulating. Going back on one's word about the right for the citizens of this city to contribute to this decision-making is disappointing at best. Measure K would enable more warehouses to be built than already exist in this city, burdening it with pollution, worsening traffic, and negatively impacting the local natural habitat. Those who invest in the building of the warehouses are solely concerned about the contents of their own pockets, not the vitality of the environment and the longevity of the people who live here and breathe in the pollution. Please allow this decision to be made by the citizens of American Canyon by bringing it to a vote in November.
    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Jeannette Goyetche 7 months ago

    I understand there are only 3 options available regarding the vote from the city council for Measure K. I oppose adoption of Measure K for environmental reasons and the fact that warehouse development will hand developers a blank check to build warehouses in A.C without risk.Meaure K eliminates input from the A.C residents without regard to the environmental impact of increased warehouse development. I believe most people who signed the petition regarding measure K did so thinking it would go on the ballot for citizen approval or disapproval. At least that is what I and others I spoke to were told. If one of the options is to put the Measure K on the ballot, then I believe that is what needs to be done at this point. In the report it states the fiscal impact to have the Measure on the ballot would be expensive and no fiscal impact if Measure K is adopted. By allowing the Measure to proceed to a law, why not think of the environmental impact, and the impact on the trust the citizens of A.C will have on it's elected officials. We cannot allow the unrestricted warehouse development to be in the hands of developers who do not care about the citizens of A.C. Please allow Measure K to come to a vote by the people of American Canyon.
    Thank you .

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    william baker 7 months ago

    From: William Baker, Montevino

    Good evening, Mayor and City Council Members,

    I cannot present these comments to you in person this evening, so I will share my thoughts through this comment.

    In short, I respectfully suggest this decision go to the voters in November.

    I have two main thoughts and concerns that lead me to this suggestion:

    1) 94% of our City's General Industrial land is already developed. It would only be fair for the remaining 6%in our City to be developed through the same processes.

    To be clear, I am not opposed to the warehouse project. I believe they should go through the processes all other industrial tenants have gone through.

    2) Ministerial powers are something that, once granted, are rarely taken back. Our City has been blessed by a series of competent city professionals who work in the interest of the City and its citizens. We cannot, however, guarantee we will be so fortunate in the future. Other cities have been plagued by incompetent and even corrupt managers who have harmed what was otherwise a well-run city. Ministerial powers are one way these city professionals abuse their power and wreak havoc on the Cities they manage.

    Again, I am impressed by our city management team; my concern is a future hire misstep.

    I am, however, wary of expanding the ministerial powers of our city management. I am opposed to the question that is before the Council this evening - granting expanded Ministerial powers described in Meaure K. As this cannot be rejected, I respectfully suggest the Council place this question before the electorate in November.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    William Baker