Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: February 06, 2024 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

15.) Measure "K"

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    Taresa Geilfuss admin 8 months ago

    Good evening, City Councilmembers,

    My name is Liliana Karesh, I am a current Junior at Napa High School, and along with Allison Bencsik, I have been the co-leader of Napa Schools for Climate Action for the past year and a half.

    Today, I am writing on behalf of our organization (NS4CA). We are concerned regarding American Canyon's Industrial GreenHouse Gas and Sustainability Resolutions and Ordinances, which appear to have overlooked our net zero by 2030 target. While we acknowledge and appreciate the improvements made, they must align with the urgent action required by the draft Climate Action Plan, considering American Canyon's commitment to reach net zero climate pollution by 2030.

    In 2019, Napa Schools for Climate Action worked tirelessly with the Napa Valley Unified School District, students and faculty, as well as the Napa community, to ultimately successfully pass a Climate Emergency Resolution, committing to achieving net zero climate pollution by or before 2030.

    The organization has since collaborated with elected officials in all cities, the county of Napa, and the Napa Resource Conservation District to achieve this same goal on a larger scale, during which time American Canyon passed its own Climate Emergency Resolution. In it, American Canyon committed to evaluating all planning and policy decisions through the 2030 net zero pledge. We are depending on you to take this goal seriously and do all you can to stop making climate pollution worse because the worst effects will be suffered by young people.

    Allison and I both previously served on the American Canyon City Council Ad Hoc Climate Action Committee, chaired by Councilmember Mark Joseph. During our time, we developed a Climate Action Plan that identified 34 actions aimed at immediately and continuously reducing climate pollution, and we proudly presented our recommendations to the City Council back in 2022. Two of those actions call for new development to use batteries and lower concrete.

    There is no better time than now to put these climate-friendly actions in use. Please don’t wait. We trust that you make the right decisions to protect all walks of life from the catastrophic events of the worsening climate emergency.

    Liliana Karesh

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    Liliana Karesh 8 months ago

    Good evening, City Councilmembers,

    My name is Liliana Karesh, I am a current Junior at Napa High School, and along with Allison Bencsik, I have been the co-leader of Napa Schools for Climate Action for the past year and half.

    Our organization (NS4CA) cares extremely about the increasing industrial development in American Canyon because it will bring more air pollution – mostly due to burning diesel fuels – as well as more climate pollution. American Canyon has joined all of the cities in the county, and increasing numbers around the world, in its commitment to achieve net zero climate pollution by or before 2030.

    This proposal takes us in the opposite direction because it will make it harder for the city and its residents to comment on related pollution concerns. American Canyon is a climate leader, and it has an obligation to its residents and especially our youth who look to you for encouragement and serious action on the climate emergency, not delay.

    Napa Schools for Climate Action supports you when you are putting the long term health of our shared climate above interests motivated by short term private gain at the expense of our climate.

    Thank you,
    Liliana Karesh