Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: February 06, 2024 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

13.) Certification of Sufficiency of Measure "K" Initiative Petition - An Initiative Measure Establishing a Ministerial Permitting Process for Development of Certain Warehouse Facilities by Amending the City of American Canyon Municipal Code

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    Yvonne Baginski 8 months ago

    Shenanigans. That's what Measure K is all about. Rather than protecting the citizens and wildlife of the City of American Canyon, it is a developer's attempt to circumvent established, (and long fought for) environmental safeguards. That's the work-around plan that Buzz Oates, who is aiming to build 2.3 million square feet of warehouse in a region of biological diversity unique in Napa County, is pushing through. Rather than work with and negotiate conservation measures with several environmental groups who have filed lawsuits aiming at bringing the project into compliance, Buzz Oates took the step of changing the law altogether. Do any of you believe that the majority of residents of American Canyon want to streamline and encourage more warehouses and industrial development? This "death by diesel" path that the pro-development city council and staff are on was efficiently challenged with the defeat of Measure J. Many people who signed the Measure J petition felt "tricked" by the signature gatherers and many comments were made (even by members of this city council) at the time about perceived deceptions. I have also heard similar stories about the signatures gathered for Measure K. Please allow Measure K to go to the people for a vote. They deserve that much.

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    Jerry Hoffman 8 months ago

    Measure K should not be approved by the city council as it is undemocratic and something of this importance needs to be voted on by the citizens of this town instead of trying to avert their rights.

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    Geena Saavedra 8 months ago

    I am against Measure K. Measure K will enable warehouses to be built more readily, without the the citizens of American Canyon's approval. As has already been determined with the similar "Measure J," enabling these warehouses to be built will jeopardize the vitality of the wetlands and the local animal species which make this area so vibrant. As a soon-to-be new mom and proud citizen of American Canyon, I would love to be able to see my son enjoy the beautiful scenery and nature that makes the wetlands stand out. Compromising our environment and the local natural habitat will certainly put a damper on my interest in raising my child in this area - not only because of the lack of activities but because of the higher amounts of pollution that will inevitably contaminate the air. As a Registered Nurse, the pollution that will come from these warehouses is incredibly concerning to the long-term health of our community. The citizens of American Canyon have a right to make this decision on their own as they are the people that support this community. Please consider the perspective of the people who live here and make it the wonderful place that it is, and don't take that decision away from them. Thank you.
    Geena Saavedra

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    Jeannette Goyetche 8 months ago

    I oppose Measure K . If Measure K passes, it will make it easier to build warehouses in American Canyon without public review or comment. It also means that the developer does not have to adhere to the standards in place by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Measure K will allow developers to decide where and how they want to develop the land without regard to the plant and animal life on the properties, which includes endangered species and delicate wetland areas. When Measure J was rejected by American Canyon citizens, 2 1/2 years ago, a clear message was sent to government officials, they do not want unrestricted warehouse development. I feel Measure K is similar in intent as Measure J was, which is allowing the developers to decide our fate. I also believe the petition that circulated several months ago regarding putting Measure K on the ballot in November may actually not happen because the City Council can decide to pass this terrible initiative. If this is so, I feel the petition was disingenuous and if this is so, a disgrace to our democratic process.
    Thank you .
    Jeannette Goyetche (American Canyon citizen)

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    Nick Cheranich 8 months ago


    I am against Measure K, and I humbly ask the citizens of American Canyon as well as members of the City Council to oppose it too.

    The so-called Net-Zero Energy Facilities Initiative, or Measure K, is clearly an attempt to deregulate the various city, county, and state ordinances that are already in place to adequately regulate the building of warehouses. Measure K will circumnavigate these ordinances in order to allow industry unfettered growth without necessitating strict regulation to that growth. It also leaves out the American Canyon voter from the decision process.

    The initiative is a way for developers to obtain permits to build whatever building they deem feasible wherever they want, provided it meets the criteria of several codes put forth by the initiative. One such code is to establish a new city development entitlement, known as the Sustainable, Energy-Efficient Warehouse Design Permit, which would circumvent the need for a State Environmental Impact Assessment.

    Further, Measure K goes against the City Council’s own Declaration of a Climate Emergency, which sets a goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

    Also, any further encroachment of new warehouses or other growth near the wetlands would go against California’s “30 by 30” initiative, which seeks to set aside and preserve 30% of land and coastal areas by the year 2030. This is to protect ecosystems against habitat loss and destruction in order to enhance the biodiversity of the wetlands and other areas throughout the county.

    Additionally, the fact that the developers who are building the Giovannini warehouse are behind this measure, is to me, further evidence that this is an attempt to literally “streamline the warehouse building process” (the exact wording of the ordinance) in American Canyon without the interference of politics, i.e., the City Council and the voters.

    Lastly, most of the proposed actions in the initiative use words such as “where feasible.” For example, [The initiative would] “Preserve biologically sensitive on-site areas as open space where feasible.” Do we really want Industry in charge of preserving areas that they deem feasible?

    Again, this initiative appears to deregulate many important local, county, and state ordinances and laws already in place in order to increase the ease with which industry can expand in the area.

    As such, for the arguments listed above, I think we all should be against Measure K.

    Thank you.
    Nick Cheranich