Meeting Time: August 10, 2023 at 6:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Jeannette Goyetche about 1 year ago

    As a near 35 year resident of American Canyon I have seen a lot of positive changes in the availability of places to recreate. One of the activities that I often make use of is bicycle riding. My main destination is to the beautiful Wetlands where the paths are well groomed and flat. The streets from where I drive are pretty well marked with "bike lanes". I am not sure of the rest of American Canyon,though. I have noticed that when I have attempted to cross Highway 29 to get to the east side, it is very difficult because of the traffic lights. I think I would be more inclined to use my bike for light shopping excursions to maybe Walgreens if I felt it were a safe excursion. Perhaps even more bike parking at businesses and recreation areas would encourage people to take their bikes to different American Canyon activities.
    Thank you for listening to my comments.

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    T L Wong about 1 year ago

    As a resident of American Canyon, I have to first acknowledge what a gem that Wetlands Edge Park is. I walk or run there daily. I appreciate the foresight of preserving that as open park space, and hope more preservation of open space around the city can be done. Viewing wildlife in their habitat at Wetlands are moments that I cherish, and I hope we can secure and protect more for them.

    I started to ride my bicycle on short errands around the city. Primarily I use my bike to go to the community garden, as the Linear Path is an excellent resource.

    The addition of trail markings on the linear path encouraging all users to share has really helped. I wish these markings were available on all bike routes. For example, the bike route near the tennis courts on Elliott -- I don't think everyone realizes it's a bike route as I've experienced car parking across the dropped curb on the street where it meets the bike route. On occasion, people also set-up folding chairs on the bike path immediately in front of the tennis courts. Perhaps more can be done to raise awareness among park users for bicycle amenities.

    Most importantly, it would be great to have more separated bike lanes and secure parking when I reach my destination. For example, there is no bike parking at the community garden nor Wetlands Edge Park. I'd also like to see businesses who offer bike parking have them right at the store entrance, in a highly visible area, not hidden behind a column.

    Thank you for considering my input.

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    Carlotta Sainato about 1 year ago

    Hello Chair Griggs and Commissioners,

    The Napa County Bicycle Coalition requests that the City utilizes the City of American Canyon 2019 Bicycle Plan when updating the Parks and Community Services Master Plan. This Bicycle Plan, created as part of the Napa Valley Transportation Authority’s Countywide 2019 Bicycle Plan, was adopted by City Council in February of 2020, and is more up-to-date than the 2012 Bicycle Plan, which is listed as a resource in the staff report. We also recommend including the Napa Valley Transportation Authority’s 2016 Pedestrian Plan as a resource.

    Additionally, we ask that the City direct the consultant to add a bicycle parking policy in the plan update that ensures that secure bicycle parking is installed and maintained at all city parks, facilities, and open space destinations covered by the plan. While a policy for parks and opens space has some flexibility in development, any commercial buildings that fall under this plan will be regulated by the California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen) - our recommendations for commercial buildings are as follows:

    CalGreen includes both required and voluntary measures. We recommend that the plan include language around the required CalGreen bicycle parking standards for non-residential locations and specifically call for short-term bicycle parking at commercial buildings so that 1) bike parking will be placed no more than 50 feet from the building entrance (the code currently calls for no more than 200 feet) and 2) the exception for additions and alterations is removed. Instead add: “A minimum of 2 bike parking spaces shall be added in the event of any new additions or alterations.” The Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals, whose standards the League of American Bicyclists uses to evaluate Bicycle Friendly Cities, recommends bike parking placement within 50 feet.

    If you have any questions or wish to discuss these comments further, please reach out to me at or (707) 258-6317.

    Thank you,

    Carlotta Sainato
    Napa County Bicycle Coalition, Program Manager