Meeting Time: August 02, 2023 at 6:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4.) Sustainability Initiatives for FY 2023-24

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    Jeannette Goyetche about 1 year ago

    I am a long time resident of American Canyon for the past 35yrs. I am asking the OSATS Commission to recommend that our city maintain a strong commitment to our 2030 net zero climate pollution goal. Climate change is here & truly a crisis,across the world, our nation,our county & neighborhood. We see it in the fires,the severe storms,severe heat, rising sea levels. We are blessed to have the wetlands,here in our community,to enjoy for walking, running, bike riding,& viewing the wildlife,which has made a comeback,but not entirely. It took many yrs for the wetlands to be what it is today. We need to be mindful of encroaching development of warehouses& housing that may affect the habitats of existing animal &plant life so precious of this American Canyon we call home. My concerns are with the diminishing open spaces,the increased traffic & congestion,horrible road conditions,& increased pollution due to the traffic on 29. There is much to be proud of with the work that has been done in A.C especially in regards to the wetlands preservation. The A.C community does care about their city. When Measure J was voted down by residents of A.C, we proved the residents do care of how our city develops.The net zero pollution goal by 2030 is an important benchmark & will help us stay focused on the actions we need to take as a community. I have faith we can do this together.
    Thank you for listening to my concerns.

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    Lori Stelling about 1 year ago

    Dear OSATS Commission Members,

    I wanted to take a moment this afternoon to voice my strong support for the City of American Canyon keeping it’s current CER and goal of reaching net zero climate pollution on or before 2030, in solidarity with NVUSD and all jurisdictions throughout our County. As the parent of a Napa teen who is deeply concerned about today’s children having the chance for a livable future, I’ve been paying attention to the climate crisis since 2016 and must say that this summer of 2023’s record heat (with many people suffering and scientists sharing that this July broke records for the hottest days in about a hundred and twenty-five thousand years) has been yet another wake-up call to the urgency of the moment.

    I’m wondering whether the City’s request that OSATS reach out to community members and businesses could be focused upon finding out how community members and businesses would like to be a part of the City’s action steps towards meeting it’s 2030 Goal? In other words, could this hottest summer on record serve as the ideal time to inspire community members and businesses to be a part of the urgently needed actions and solutions to this crisis?

    In this moment, it feels more important than ever that we adults stick to our commitments and show our youth that we are serious about giving them real hope for a sustainable world. My family is grateful for each step you take and we thank you for your leadership in recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis and the actions that must be taken within this crucial decade.

    Lori Stelling
    Napa County Resident - 25 years

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    Lynne Baker about 1 year ago

    This comment is submitted subsequent to our letter sent earlier today to members of the Commission.
    Lynne Baker on behalf of Napa Climate NOW!
    Part 1 of 2

    August 1, 2023
    To: Members of the American Canyon Open Space, Active Transportation and Sustainability Commission
    Dear Members,
    Thank you for all you are doing to develop a thoughtful approach to the protection of open space, support for active transportation options, and increased sustainability throughout American Canyon. These actions are crucial to safeguarding the lives and livelihoods of American Canyon residents, and helping the entire county of Napa in becoming more climate resilient.

    We are writing this letter today to weigh in on an important OSATS discussion, namely, whether to encourage American Canyon to retain its 2030 net-zero focus as a firm commitment rather than as a simple “reach” goal. On behalf of residents throughout Napa County, we urge you to stand strong in support of the 2030 goal, along with other jurisdictions in Napa County and surrounding communities such as Sonoma County.

    American Canyon has been a leader in the county, inspiring other jurisdictions with its climate-positive initiatives – water savings, residential energy efficiency scoring requirements above minimum building code levels, solar installations, no new gas stations, open space commitments, new bike lanes, and more. These initiatives are serving the vital interests of American Canyon residents, and are important building blocks toward climate resilience. They are also in line with the 2030 net zero climate pollution goal.

    Pulling back from a firm 2030 commitment could easily undermine these initiatives in the coming years, which face recurring challenges from interested parties. Pulling back could also delay or prevent the adoption of additional measures needed to protect city residents and environs. As guardians of the public trust, elected government officials and agencies, and committees and commissions established in the public interest, such as OSATS, are in a unique position to weigh the benefits and costs of development from a holistic community perspective. And now, more than ever, there is a need for this kind of leadership as climate change continues to accelerate unabated.

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    Linda Brown about 1 year ago

    Dear OSATS members

    Thank you for all you are doing to develop a thoughtful approach to the protection of open space, support for active transportation options, and increased sustainability throughout American Canyon. These actions are crucial to safeguarding the lives and livelihoods of American Canyon residents, and helping the entire county of Napa in becoming more climate resilient.

    We are writing to weigh in on an important OSATS discussion, namely, whether to encourage American Canyon to retain its 2030 net-zero focus as a firm commitment rather than as a simple “reach” goal. On behalf of residents throughout Napa County, we urge you to stand strong in support of 2030 as a firm goal, along with other jurisdictions in Napa County and surrounding communities such as Sonoma County.

    We have emailed each of you a longer version of this letter, but since the comment field is limited to 2500 characters, here is a quick summary of our points.

    • American Canyon’s climate-positive initiatives – water savings, residential energy efficiency scoring requirements above minimum building code levels, solar installations, no new gas stations, open space commitments, new bike lanes, and more – are serving the vital interests of American Canyon residents and in line with the 2030 net zero climate pollution goal.

    • Pulling back from a firm 2030 commitment could easily undermine these initiatives in the coming years, prevent or delay the adoption of additional important measures, and inevitably, undermine the very mission of OSATS.

    • The science is clearly on the side of 2030. In the latest intergovernmental consensus report (AR6), the world’s climate scientists agreed that the earth is very likely to exceed the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C above normal by the early 2030s, and as early as 2030.

    • Community resources, along with state and federal resources, are now available to help American Canyon meet its 2030 goal.

    • And year we delay taking decisive action to make our home more climate resilient, our opportunity to do so diminishes. That’s because as the globe warms, devastating feedback loops are being set into motion that are accelerating the change.

    • The cost of working to achieve net zero will ultimately pay off, while the cost of inaction or delay will be much, much greater — not only in dollars and cents, but in the devastating impacts on people’s lives.

    Please support the retention of 2030 as a firm net zero goal, for our children’s sake.

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    Chris James about 1 year ago

    As a resident of American Canyon for over a decade, I run or walk daily in our City, and particularly enjoy our wetlands. I am grateful for the foresight and efforts that were made by city leaders to preserve our wetlands and provide access to residents and guests interested in enjoying this landmark feature of our city.

    Now the climate crisis is a huge threat to our wetlands. Have you seen the NOAA sea level rise calculator?

    It shows that just a few feet of sea level rise will begin to encroach on our shoreline, threatening homes, businesses, roads, and our safety.

    We need to exercise our leadership again -- elected officials in American Canyon, our city staff, our local commissioners, and all of our neighbors -- to stay committed to preventing further climate change. The net zero climate pollution goal by 2030 is an important benchmark, and will help us stay focused on the actions we need to take as a community

    Now, climate change is a huge threat to our wetlands. Have you seen the NOAA sea level rise calculator?

    It shows that just a few feet of sea level rise will begin to encroach on our shoreline, threatening homes, businesses, roads, and our safety.

    Now is when we need to exercise our leadership again -- elected officials in American Canyon, our city staff, our local commissioners, and all of our neighbors -- to stay committed to preventing further climate change. The net zero climate pollution goal by 2030 is an important benchmark, and will help us stay focused on the actions we need to take as a community.

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    T L Wong about 1 year ago

    As a resident of American Canyon, I have experienced the impact of devastating wildfires in Napa County, atmospheric rivers, and weather changes that are all a direct result of the climate crisis. We need a meaningful sustainability initiative.

    Let us re-commit to the Climate Emergency Proclamation, "City of American Canyon joins a growing list of communities committed to a goal of Net Zero Climate Pollution, measured in terms of net contribution to excess trapped heat, by or before 2030, and further commits to evaluate all planning and policy decisions through the lens of this pledge, and to implement both immediate and sustained actions in support of its achievement."

    To reduce emissions and reliance on fossil fuel, I like seeing cycling included. But it should be more. It should actively encourage more cycling in our city to replace short car trips. Being physically active also has health benefits, and builds community to see our neighbors as we cycle. Participating in the national bike friendly community assessment would give us an objective review and baseline for improvement.

    In addition to cycling, here's my input on what is missing and should be included as a priority:

    1) Open Space and Wildlife Corridors: I walk or run daily at Wetlands Park; it is indeed a crown jewel of our city. What makes the park experience special is seeing the wildlife. |

    Yet, wildlife is being pushed out. We used to see deer on the hills near Eucalyptus St and in the Wetlands area. In the last few years, personally, my deer sightings are greatly reduced. I think I have seen deer just once since the school was built.

    We need open space and areas conserved for wildlife habitat, and wildlife corridors for safe travel paths for them.

    2) Water: As someone who drinks water every day, I want a reliable clean source. It's shameful that a growing number of cities in the United States don't have clean water. My concern is the capacity of our water system. How much development can we support? Currently there is no transparency about the potable water capacity of our city. I did read about a lawsuit with the City of Vallejo not supplying water to our Canyon Estates.

    So any proposed new development should be reviewed -- with full transparency -- from an environmental perspective and water capacity standpoint.

    Thank you for considering my input.