Meeting Time: April 05, 2023 at 6:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2.) American Canyon 2022 Climate Action Plan - Interim Report 

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    Jeannette Goyetche over 1 year ago

    Dear Commissioners,
    My name is Jeannette Goyetche. I am a long time resident of American Canyon and have watched it grow from a country town to what is fast becoming a growing metropolis.My concerns are similar to many residents ie Increased traffic and congestion, deteriorating roads and pollution,and loss of some of the most precious wildlife areas in Napa County. My request of this commission, is to request input into every Planning Commission decision on development in American Canyon that will have an effect on the environment, be it traffic, emissions from idling vehicles from multiple drive thru restaurants and effects on the precious wildlife particular to American Canyon.
    Thank you for considering my request.

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    T L Wong over 1 year ago

    Good evening Commissioners

    My name is Tammy Wong and as you may know, I am a resident of American Canyon.

    I hope to see the "Active Transportation" and "Sustainability" aspects of this Commission have a meaningful and tangible impact throughout our city for increased bicycling, walking, and environmental stewardship. I am proud that we are the second city within the entire state of CA to modify our zoning to ban new fossil fuel stations.

    Have you noticed the very wet days we have had recently? Their unrivaled intensity reminds me how our everyday decisions contribute to the climate crisis we currently face. From extreme drought to atmospheric rivers, from wildfires and choking air pollution, that is the future we have created with our dependency on fossil fuels, and our consumer choices.

    The climate crisis is headline news every day, so I just find it crazy that a developer wants to build CHICKEN GUY's first drive-thru restaurant in our town.

    We seem to have have a disconnect currently between the Commissioners on OSATS and Planning. One is charged with sustainability while the other makes the decisions about projects like the Chicken Guy drive-thru restaurant which is planned to generate 1,317 new car trips daily, of which 70% (988) will be idling and polluting in the drive thru.

    I am very concerned how how adding a drive-thru in that area will impact safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, as adding 1,317 new car trips to an already busy intersection will create more congestion, and lead to more idling on nearby streets.

    Yet how will the Commission charged with Active Transportation have input into this project? I encourage you to take the opportunity to attend the Planning Commission's April meeting and give your input on the Active Transportation and Sustainability impacts that this restaurant drive thru project will have on our community in the long-term. I would also like to understand, long-term, how the two commissions will operate together to provide robust oversight given different mandates.

    Thank you

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    Yvonne Baginski over 1 year ago

    I am imploring this commission to request advisory input into every planning commission decision on development in American Canyon that will affect carbon emission, land destruction, water usage, wildlife habitation or have other environmental impact. All of these advisements would be monitored through the lens of the Climate Action Plan. Without authority or advisement capacity within the system of American Canyon development, the commission is significantly less effective in bringing about the changes requested in this plan. What is missing in this plan, and I'm sure it is an oversight, is the banning of idling engines. This would be easily rectified with an amendment. This commission must step up to the challenges ahead, and advocate not only for the biological health of the community, but also the reality that each of us does have an impact on what looms ahead when there are focused goals with public commitment to change. I believe that this commission is the most relevant in meeting the challenges of climate catastrophe. Please fight for life by establishing yourselves as a integral resource as the environmental for all planning and development in American Canyon.