Meeting Time: April 05, 2023 at 6:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item


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    Yvonne Baginski over 1 year ago

    I am so glad to see leaders in American Canyon coming together in a commission to work remediating the destruction we are doing to our environment. The recent United Nations report, prepared by scientists representing 200 countries, paints a catastrophic future.

    I struggle with what I, as one person, can actually do. I bet some of you do, as well. Recycling and walking more seem like minuscule solutions. For one, yes....but for millions, maybe no. It's the cumulative effect that will make the difference. That's the only way we can do this.
    When I worked to defeat Measure J this past November, all I could do was focus on what I could do, not on the immensity of what seemed impossible. Actions speak louder than words, and it's in the doing that the difference will be made. I am writing today about an issue that will not come before this commission, but one that I believe is very necessary for each of you to know about. The planning commission is currently considering approving another drive thru, in A.C. Chicken Guys, according to their air quality report, is expecting at least 988 cars daily through the drive-thru window. That's almost 30,000 cars a month. The air quality report submitted by Chicken Guys claims that these numbers are "insignificant." in contributing to carbon emissions and air pollution. I did the numbers: If each car idles 10 minutes, in one month we'll see 29,490 idling cars, or 5,000 hours of idling. Each hour of idling uses up 1/2 gallon of fuel. Those 5,000 hours of idling will waste 2,500 gallons of fuel. Every gallon of gas burned creates 19.2 lbs of carbon dioxide (according to the EPA). This means that in one month, 48,750 lbs of carbon are emitted into the air in the Chicken Guys drive-thru alone. There are currently six other drive thrus in American Canyon, not to mention Vallejo and the 15 in Napa. See how it adds up? It's the cumulative effect we need to be paying attention to...just like we do on what individuals could accomplish, vs. what we can all do together. Data is easily manipulated. When I heard the comments on the Chicken Guys idling, I also thought "what's the big deal?" about idling. I researched and interpreted the data in another way. I understand better why so many cities are banning idling altogether. I hope you will work in banning idling entirely so that Chicken Guys won't feel singled out as an example but, instead, is recognized as the first step in a new direction.