Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: December 05, 2023 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Yvonne Baginski 10 months ago

    The City of American Canyon rezoned open space/recrealional land in 2018 with an amendment to the general plan. This land, Commerce Cr., is now zoned commercial/recreational. In removing the open space designation, was there a mitigation replacing this open space with another piece of city property of equal size and biological diversity? The SDG warehouse property now contains two warehouses in various stages of building, and now a third lot is prepped and ready for building. There was a recent public hearing for environmental review. However, there is no environment left to review on the land. All the trees have already been cut down, removed and the land is graded. The lot is now used for parking cars for the labor working on the sandwich warehouses (one on either side). The new warehouse will have 23 bays for trucks. That's for just one, out of the three warehouses. That means there will be a lot more traffic there, including diesel trucks, and carbon polluting the air. American Canyon already carries the burden of most polluted area of Napa County. In approving more warehouses and industrial sites, the city is guaranteeing the pollution statistics to continue to increase. Is that really what is wanted in a community wanting more young famlies to settle? The habitat for wildlife so close to the north slough has been totally destroyed. These decisions were made and completed before the pub. The area "protected" for wetland is about the size of a garage/living room. Maybe a bit larger. It's on the north side. What isn't clear is whether it's even possible for any animals to be able to use this wetland which will be surrounded by asphalt and moving vehicles. There is no connection to any wildlife corridor...yet, right behind that property is the wetlands levee where quite a bit of wildlife is seen on a daily basis. I would guess that some of that wildlife come inland towards the slough...and have now discovered that their entire habitat erased. Does the City of American Canyon have a conservation or green belt plan in place for wildlife? Isn't that something to consider with all the buildings that you have on the books for the next few years? Will any wildlife survive the building boom of American Canyon? Or will we have to wait for the inevitable decay and crumbling of warehouse walls once the climate crisis raises the seas and makes any further growing of wine grapes in Napa, untenable?

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    Jeannette Goyetche 10 months ago

    I attended the SDG Distribution Center Conditional Use Permit meeting via zoom on November 17 at 2pm,Friday before the long Thanksgiving holiday week. As far as I could tell, there were 3 of us listening. I understood the meeting to be one of Scoping. I thought that meant the area was being reviewed or studied for development with EIR reports needed, for instance. There was talk of employing a number of people,hours of operation for the warehouse,etc A couple of days later, I walked to the area (1055 Commerce Ct.)with my family and friends. We were all disappointed because the area was already being graded and appeared ready to be built upon. There was a tiny area fenced off with orange plastic fencing. My question is : is this the area considered wetlands and passes an EIR report? Help me understand how any environmental report can be done on this property? I have come to learn that in 2018 the city council amended the general plan and changed the zoning on the above property from Open Space Recreational,to Commercial Recreational, making it an Industrial Zone. Apparently this is legal but my question to the city council and lawmakers is :I ask that you take into account what the people and animal life that actually inhabit American Canyon what they want?What makes warehouses so much more appealing than Open Space? Thank you for listening.

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    marc north 10 months ago

    Resolution / Proclamation Against Anti-Semitism
    My name is MARC M. NORTH, American Canyon homeowner and resident of 29 years.
    In alliance with and as a part of the US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, and along with the US Conference of Mayors, I request that the City of American Canyon advance a Resolution or Proclamation specifically against anti-semitism. This request is supported in part by the following:
    > According to FBI Director, Christopher Wray, antisemitism is reaching “historic levels.” FBI Sta- tistics reflect that 60% of all religious hate incidents target the Jewish Community, that comprises only 2.4 % of the total American population.
    > Since October 7th, 2023, the increase in documented anti-semitic incidents have increased 388%, according to Director, Jonathan Greenblatt, Anti-Defamation League.
    > The White House implemented a US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism in May 2023.
    > The US Conference of Mayors, including California, has taken decisive action to help mayors speak out against antisemitism consistent with the US National Strategy, November 2023.
    Antisemitism, as with all hate-driven incidents threaten our democracy and poses threat to all communities including American Canyon and beyond; none of which are immune nor exempt.
    Thus, I urge that the City of American Canyon publicly and officially condemn antisemitism, stand strongly against hate, bias or violence based on identity and remains committed to the principles of nondiscrimination and human rights.

    To Wit:: [Prepared Draft Wording of Proclamation / Resolution] Available Upon Request]