Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: February 21, 2023 at 6:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

11.) Giovannoni Logistics Center Warehouse Project

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    Gary Margadant over 1 year ago

    Do more warehouse projects Environmentally align with the future of American Canyon Families, providing a safe and healthy location for housing, education, community, neighborhoods, jobs and outdoor activities?  Certainly there are benefits yet they come with a cost against these family goals as discussed in the Environmental Impact Report on today's Agenda.  A community in Southern California has a tale to tell how a Warehouse boom transformed their Inland Empire. Are jobs worth the environmental degradation?  
    American Canyon families have a similar but different perspective with their proximity to the Napa River, SF Bay and open land for family hiking, wildlife experience and education.  Napa County designed the warehouse distict around the airport as an industrial zone to concentrate Wine Industry logistics away from the up valley Wineries, communities and vineyards, reducing heavy truck traffic in picturesque locations.  
    Does the EIR for this warehouse proposal adequately describe the impacts and tradeoffs the AC families experience upon approval? Should a Wildlife conservation easement become a part of this project as proposed by another comment?  This would allow AC to include their own family design on this and any future projects.

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    Geena Saavedra over 1 year ago

    Please reconsider this plan. We already have too many warehouses in American Canyon and too little open space as it is. The open space we do have is what attracts people to this area because of its natural beauty that is so rare nowadays. Increasing the amount of warehouses in this city would contribute to higher amounts of pollution and drive away the natural habitat. This would harm the ecosystem and destroy what makes American Canyon unique.

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    Valerie ZizakMorais over 1 year ago

    February 21, 2023

    The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce strongly endorses the Giovannoni Logistics Center Development and we urge you to approve the applications before you tonight that will move this project forward.

    There are currently limited vacancies for wine storage. Green Island Road is the Champion of the Wine Industry with millions of cases of wine passing through it every year. We need to support this growing industry, encourage wine supporting businesses, to be in American Canyon, and welcome them as they locate and grow here. If the businesses don't come to American Canyon, they go into South Unincorporated County or Sonoma, meaning no benefits to our City.
    As the Chamber, we represent our members, and the business community of American Canyon. We believe that the Giovannoni Logistics Center Project needs to be approved because it will provide the following economic development benefits for our community:

    1. Promote development that generates net positive tax revenues for the City by generating more in new tax revenues than are consumed by City expenditures on services provided to the development.
    2. Create new employment opportunities for residents of Napa County and the surrounding region.
    3. Develop compatible land uses near the Napa County Airport in the interests of avoiding interference with aviation operations.
    4. Improve American Canyon’s jobs-housing ratio by adding new employment opportunities.
    5. Continue the orderly development of the Devlin Road corridor with a well-designed project.
    6. Further the goals and policies of the City of American Canyon General Plan by developing land contemplated to support urban development to its highest and best use.
    7. Preserve the most biologically sensitive portions of the project site as open space.
    8. Install circulation improvements along Green Island Road and Devlin Road that provide efficient ingress and egress to the Proposed Project while also ensuring these facilities operate at acceptable levels.
    9. Promote public safety by incorporating security measures into the project design.
    10. Mitigate impacts on the environment through implementation of feasible mitigation measures.

    We appreciate your consideration and look forward to having the Giovannoni Logistics Center Project welcomed in American Canyon


    Valerie Zizak-Morais Tom Phillips
    President/CEO 2023 Chairman of the Board
    American Canyon Chamber of Commerce Chamber Board of Directors

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    Beverly Saxon Leonard over 1 year ago

    Mayor & Council Members:

    As you consider the Giovannoni Site Project tonight, I ask that you give full consideration to all impacts the project will engender.

    Of particular concern is the detrimental effects to wildlife and specifically, to the raptor population.

    The site holds important wetlands and grasslands resources necessary for the continued existence of the Swainson's Hawk, a threatened species that is unique to Southern Napa County.

    American Canyon wetlands & grasslands possess the best habitat for these species which also includes Golden Eagles and other raptors

    The project proposes a small wetlands mitigation however it does nothing to mitigate the loss of important grasslands necessary for the continued existence of raptor populations. The proposed project will significantly contribute if not ensure the loss of a healthy ecosystem.

    The plan's mitigation of wetlands & grasslands loss is flawed & inadequate. Please consider the larger picture in your decision tonight.

    On a separate note, I would like to address the manner the public has been notified concerning this project. Apparently, notification has been via Vallejo publications & not Napa County publications. Although not illegal, the fact is the majority of people who would be concerned about the impacts of this project would be Napa County not Solano County residents. As such, you may not be receiving important input from all concerned parties. In the future, please consider where and how you provide notice so that it is actually accomplishing its purpose.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Beverly Saxon Leonard

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    Diann Berryhill over 1 year ago

    We already have to much traffic. And the damage that continues by all the building to our local wildlife is heartbreaking . The more that is built then out tax base will need to be higher. Stop the building and keep our tax base lower. Less building means less police and emergency services.

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    Jerry Hoffman over 1 year ago

    I think we already have too many warehouses. They don't bring in any revenue other their property tax and the semi's pollute the air, congest traffic, and destroy the roads. Either leave the land open for the wildlife to live in and people to enjoy or turn the land in a large park and recreation area for all to enjoy. NO MORE WAREHOUSES!

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    Sharon Robinson over 1 year ago

    When is enough enough for American Canyon? We should be preserving land, not giving it to conglomerates who have no real interest in our City. The wine industry seems to have some in their back pockets, as their projects are always approved. We should be demanding MORE city improvements before they receive approval. If these Corporations were all forced to invest into a fund, the City could REHAB HIGHWAY 29.

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    Jason Kishineff over 1 year ago

    American Canyon has more than enough warehouses. Enough is enough. We can do SO much better than more warehouses. What are we? The storage space for Saint Helena and Calistoga? I say NO MORE! The residents of this city have been demanding, for YEARS, businesses that improve the lives of our residents and all we seem to get are warehouses and gas stations. Why aren't we seeking any other alternatives? We just keep doing the same thing again and again, ignoring the complaining residents and transferring wealth out of our city and to the north valley. Take a stand! Please!

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    Jeannette Goyetche over 1 year ago

    I am requesting that the city council members reconsider the building of more warehouses along Green Island Rd, and Devlin Rd. Please consider the negative impact on A.C residents and our precious fragile environment. With more warehouses, there will be more traffic,more air pollution from diesel trucks, increased road deterioration, negative impact on the wildlife. I think that a community group of A.C residents could work with the council to discuss ideas on how this land would benefit both A.C residents and the environment as well. I do not see the positive aspects of the Giovannoni Project for American Canyon.

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    Yvonne Baginski over 1 year ago

    The annihilation of 147.5 acres of foraging grasslands for the threatened Swainson Hawk, Golden Eagle and other birds, needs more attention. All the property north of Hwy 29 to Green Island Rd. is zoned commercial/industrial. When developed in the next few years, the loss of habitat will cause the extinction of the Swainson Hawk in south Napa County, the only place in Napa County where it is currently seen. The Giovannoni Project alone will wipe out 7% of the habitat. We need a sober look at this realityi and develop a strategy to lessen the impact of this project. We need to create a biologically diverse conservation easement for the life of the remaining wildlife in south county. This project would be a start. Scientists from the California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, and citizen activists from the Friends of the Swainson Hawk, the Center for Biological Diversity and Raptors are the Solution, as well as residents of American Canyon, have written letters asking the City of American Canyon to consider setting aside foraging lands for wildlife, as well as appointing a credible manager to monitor compliance. Caring for ecosystems demands far-sightedness, since no one looking for a quick and easy profit is truly interested in their preservation. The cost of damage caused by a selfish lack of concern is much greater than the economic benefits to be obtained. Where certain species are destroyed or seriously harmed, the values involved are incalculable. I implore you to reconsider this effort in terms of doing the least harm to the environment. Please consider the creation of a wildlife conservation easement of foraging grasslands/wetlands, much larger and realistic than what is currently proposed. I also ask that the easement be monitored by a credible manager, the developed property is landscaped with native plants conducive to this region and that poison bait stations to kill small mammals be banned. This first step will establish a strong leadership role for the other cities, and Napa County in demonstrating sustainable possibilities for all future development.