Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: January 17, 2023 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

15.) Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Representative

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    Karen Fritz over 1 year ago

    I am in support for Mariam Aboudamous to continue her appointment on LAFCO. The excuses and blatant comments made by multiple persons at the Dec. 20, 2022 meeting were unprofessional as well as extremely offensive, inappropriate, and disrespectful. How many of the members in the meeting (including city staff) have traveled to other countries to see how their local government works? Anyone? She has proven to be an asset to or city and it’s citizens.
    It is obvious that her position on measure J is why Mr Oro wants her seat. He as well as others will not be satisfied until every patch of land is covered with concrete & steel. Which in turn creates TRAFFIC.
    The silence in the room that evening said a lot about many of you. Thank you Mr Joseph for recognizing her worth as a women, working mother,
    active community member, councilwomen as well as representative on multiple committees. Besides LAFCO commission only meet bi-monthly.
    So it appears that if you don’t agree with the current council you’re not who they want.

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    Jamie Potter over 1 year ago

    "Awkward:" a situation or behavior that is uncomfortable or embarrassing. Councilmember Washington declared the attempt by Councilmember Oro to steal his colleague's LAFCO appointment as awkward. It was shameful.

    We expect our Mayor and City Council to show leadership, make decisions, and represent our city. However, what occurred on December 20th, 2022 was unprofessional and amateurish. Councilmember Aboudamous defended her LAFCO appointment, stating "I would like my council to give me the opportunity to continue on something I just started." Councilmember Joseph offered his support while Councilmember Oro repeated his request to take the LAFCO appointment.

    Councilmember Washington called this an awkward moment and Councilmember Aboudamous expressed her shock at being blindsided and disrespected by her colleague.

    The City Manager informed that Council members would be expected to appear in person starting in March, acknowledging it may be more challenging for some who have children in the home and are working full-time. Such challenges are not exclusive to women, fathers also face similar responsibilities.

    This situation continued with public comments on the LAFCO appointment from supporters of the David Oro appointment. It is unacceptable that some of the comments referred to Councilmember Aboudamous' family commitments and her decision to join the meeting via Zoom. This attempted to shame her for being a mother and working full-time.

    Councilmember Aboudamous responded to public comments and thanked people for their concern, calling out the "awkwardness" as directly related to her position on Measure J.

    It is unfortunate that the LAFCO reassignment was not handled in a professional and organized manner. This exposed the negative aspects of politics and raises questions about the motives behind Councilmember Oro's request to remove Councilmember Aboudamous from her position. It is unclear whether Councilmember Mariam Aboudamous is being punished for her support of Measure J, her status as a working mother, or her participation via Zoom, among other possibilities. This attempt at public shame is not only unacceptable - it’s shameful..

    Councilmember Oro should have withdrawn his request when met with resistance. He should withdraw tonight.

    With the community feedback, we hope that Councilmember Pierre Washington will join Councilmember Mark Joseph in supporting Councilmember Mariam Aboudamous in her role current as a member of LAFCO with dignity.

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    Gary Margadant over 1 year ago

    I would like to voice my support for the family of Mariam Aboudamous to remain as an example for all families in Napa County and especially the City of American Canyon. The encouragement and participation of young families in the community and direction of the administration is a vital part of an inclusive and educational goal. They are your future and a wonderful example for all to follow.

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    Debbie Runkey over 1 year ago

    I am writing in support of Mariam Aboudamous' continued appointment to LAFCO. As pointed out at the last City Council meeting, she is not even halfway through her appointment and has done a great job. No one has given any reason that she should not continue as our representative on this committee.

    It's outrageous that Mariam's commitment and ability were called into question by 2 women at that meeting simply because she has a child. Has the same concern been raised of the fathers serving on this Council? Blatant sexism and disrespect will not be tolerated in our community. The "awkwardness" mentioned is the result of Mr. Oro blindsiding his fellow councilmember, apparently in part due to the fact that she did not support Measure J, which was defeated by the voters of American Canyon.

    I thank Mariam for her dedication and hard work on behalf of the citizens in American Canyon and ask that the Council continue to support her LAFCO appointment.

    Thank you.

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    Silvia RegaladoZachlod over 1 year ago

    Dear Mayor Garcia and Councilmembers:

    I am writing in support of Councilmember Aboudamous' continued appointment on the LAFCO committee. Quite frankly, the public should not have to submit a statement of support as historically incumbent council members have been given the courtesy to extend their appointment without question. Councilmember Aboudamous was very clear in her interest and commitment to this appointment. Furthermore I am disturbed by the inappropriate manner in which a city employee, City Manager Jason Holley, felt at liberty to frame and question the ability to serve as it pertains to personal or professional responsibilities of an elected official - especially a woman. I am certain that a male council member would not have been questioned nor deemed unable to continue service based on personal and professional responsibilities. As elected officials I am disappointed in you and the 3 male council members present that allowed Councilmember Aboudamous’ personal and professional commitments to be questioned in relation to her service. The matter should not have been tabled - it should have been shut down for what it was, an attempt to take a position away from a qualified and effective person who has been serving - and wanted to continue serving. Aside from voting to confirm her appointment on the LAFCO committee, I believe she deserves an apology from her male counterparts and the City Manager for unethically questioning her ability to serve the constituency of American Canyon. I expect that this evening you will correct the course, apologize and appoint Councilmember Aboudamous to LAFCO as it should have been done on December 20, 2022.

    Silvia Regalado-Zachlod
    AC resident; active school and community member; working professional and mother of 3

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    Shanda Neumeier over 1 year ago

    I support Council Member Mariam Aboudamous being reappointed as the American Canyon representative on LAFCO. She is certainly qualified and has a year of experience already. The comments from other members on LAFCO make it clear that they agree she should remain our representative. I ask the city council to reappoint Council Member Aboudamous to LAFCO.

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    Jeannette Goyetche over 1 year ago

    I would like to voice my support for Mariam Aboudamous to remain on the committee of LAFCO. No one at the previous council meeting offered any reasonable comments as to why she should leave the committee assignment. She is a highly qualified council member and would like to remain on the job. I know she is the sole council member who voted NO on Measure J . This does sound like retaliation for her vote on Measure J. The people of American Canyon voted No on J. Please, A.C council members, do the right thing and stand by what the people want.

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    Kimberly McDonald over 1 year ago

    I’m confused, upset, disappointed, and wondering why Mariam is being treated this way? I
    recently watched the city council meeting on Dec. 20th. It was honestly hard to watch her being
    put on the spot and caught SO off guard! She has done a terrific job serving as a council
    member and on various committees. Mariam is a smart, dedicated, and passionate woman who should NOT be being told what she can and can not handle especially because she is a mom now. What?! Why is this even a discussion? She wants to remain on the LAFCO Committee #1 because it’s something she cares deeply about and #2 because she’s only been on it 2 years of her 4 year term!! Let her finish her term whether she has 1 kid or 5! It is not fair or right the way she was treated during that portion of the meeting.

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    Nance Matson over 1 year ago

    I support reappointing Councilmember Aboudamous to represent American Canyon on LAFCO. As an attorney with solid experience on LAFCO, including being fully trained on LAFCO policies and procedures, as well as her previous experience negotiating for the City of American Canyon with developers to insure the best agreement for our community, she has shown that she is the best person to continue representing us on LAFCO.

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    melissa lamattina over 1 year ago

    Mayor, Council members, City Staff, Member of the Audience,

    I am struggling to find the words to express how deeply disappointed I am with the behavior of The American Canyon City Council.

    "NO MEANS NO" !!! The residents of American Canyon have voted and the results were "NO ON MEASURE J". So why are some members of the council still looking for other ways to make it happen? The voters have spoken and the measure was rejected !!!

    And further more the audacity to try and unseat Councilwoman Mariam Aboudamous from the LAFCO Is absolutely absurd. Councilwoman Aboudamous is more than qualified to continue her term on the LAFCO and for her seat to be challenged is very questioning.

    I thought the council of American Canyon was better than this. I thought that I lived in a city were democracy matters.

    I am in support of Councilwoman Mariam Aboudamous to continue her term on the LAFCO.

    I am also in favor for the city council members to check themselves and remember you are voted in by the people for the people.

    Thank you for your time,

    Melissa Lamattina

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    Eve Kahn over 1 year ago

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important selection. I wear many hats in this County and one of them is as a member of Napa LAFCO.
    At your last council meeting, there was clearly an overtone of concern that Councilwoman Aboudamous was not able to handle her responsibilities on LAFCO. Yet immediately after that discussion, she gave a report of a 3-day leadership conference in Monterey. How ironic - no one raised concern that she was not qualified or that her role as a mother interfered with her responsibility and accountability to this council. Or not qualified for any or all the other appointments you approved for her.
    You made a smart and reasoned decision to recommend her to LAFCO before and honestly, it is in your best interest to retain Councilwoman Aboudamous.
    She has represented your city with the skills of an attorney and a vast amount of passion for justice. She has quickly climbed the ladder of competence and effectiveness. LAFCO is a state agency with its own set of laws, rules, and procedures. It takes time to come up to speed and why you see very little turnover. It was no surprise that when Ken Leary left the American Canyon Council he immediately applied for the public member position and had unanimous support. Yes, his selection bumped me to the alternate public member.

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    Beverly Saxon Leonard over 1 year ago

    My name is Beverly Saxon Leonard. I am not an American Canyon resident, but I want to register my support on behalf of Mariam Aboudamous and her request to continue her appointment to the LAFCO

    As a female attorney who practices in various areas including employment-related discrimination, I am concerned that Council Member Aboudamous be treated fairly.

    I observed the first public discussion about this issue and became alarmed that she may, in fact, be treated differently because she is a woman.

    Ms. Aboudamous has not yet served what is typically considered a full term on LAFCO. Because that entity is extremely important and considers many technical, land use-based aspects, it is important that your representative be up to speed. It takes a good amount of time to get up to speed to fully serve. It is understood that the more time one serves, the more value the representative contributes.

    Ms Aboudamous is a highly regarded attorney, capable of serving the City on the highest level. She is undoubtedly extremely qualified. In fact, she may be the most qualified and I say that as an attorney, as a former land use planner, and also, as a former City Planning Commission member.

    In considering whether to remove her as the representative, the Council cannot be persuaded to consider her gender, the fact she has a family, or the fact that she is busy woman. One or two members of the public seemed to suggest that her being a mother may interfere with her ability to effectively serve. My guess is that you have never heard that argument applied to a male Council Member.

    In addition, the fact that the Council may be swayed by the fact Council Member Aboudamous opposed Measure J is also shocking. It seems clear the Measure J proponents want her off LAFCO and want someone sympathetic to their proposals, to replace her.

    At the last meeting that considered this issue certain Council members expressed how "uncomfortable" they were in being asked to unseat Aboudamous.

    Your discomfort is understandable & should cause you to admit that to replace her smacks of political favoritism & possibly, gender discrimination. Your discomfort should tell you that the decision to replace her is wrong.

    The thought of all the men on Council aligning against the only woman on Council who is arguably the most qualified person to serve, is something that should cause all of us to be shocked. We know it is wrong.

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    Robert Scalcione over 1 year ago

    To: Mayor Leon Garcia and Members of our American Canyon City Council:

    I urge you to support Mariam Aboudamous's desire to remain in her current appointment to represent American Canyon on LAFCO. American Canyon voters spoke clearly on Measure J, and yet it now seems to appear that an awkward effort to undermine the results of this vote are peaking their heads out.

    When I interned for Ralph Nader, he often said, "there can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship," and I am here to be a citizen today and speak out against any attempt to pressure Mariam Aboudamous to leave her LAFCO appointment. I watched the meeting online and the bizarre moment of seeing this topic during the council meeting smelled of what we see too often on a larger scale in DC.

    Council members, clean this up quickly please! I think I am starting to get to know some of you a little better...

    Robert Scalcione
    American Canyon resident

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    Lynne Baker over 1 year ago

    To: Mayor Leon Garcia and Members, American Canyon City Council
    From: Napa Climate NOW! Steering Committee: Marilyn Knight-Mendelson and Lynne Baker, co-chairs, Chris Benz, Linda Brown, Jim Wilson
    RE: LAFCO Appointment Concern

    In November, American Canyon voters settled the contentious issue of Measure J, making it clear that they did not want to see current agricultural land along the bayfront converted to industrial zoning. There were strong environmental, climate and agricultural preservation reasons behind the “no” vote on Measure J. Now it would appear that efforts are underway to undermine the outcome of this vote through potential changes on the LAFCO board, in particular by pressuring Miriam Aboudamous to withdraw. We urge the City Council to stand firm in support of Ms. Aboudamous’ current position, and to stand with the residents of American Canyon.

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    Chris James over 1 year ago

    I support Mariam Aboudamous's who wants to remain in her current appointment to represent the city on LAFCO.

    I was ashamed and embarrassed for our city at the last public meeting when her position was challenged. Those appointed usually serve for 4 years. I was also disappointed that Council Member Joseph was alone in his support of her request to remain on LAFCO.

    This is a clear sign of sexism and mommy-tracking her, and most likely retaliation for her opposition to measure J. The residents have voted and resoundingly rejected Measure J - but it looks like the developer has other plans.

    It may not have been intentional, but Mr Holly should never have framed the start of this item in the way that he did. It clearly opened up the discussion to inappropriate comments. A council member's personal life should have no bearing on decisions like this unless they ask for help.

    Hanlon's razor says "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

    I do hope that this was not a coordinated effort to oust Council Member Aboudamous.

    Was it coincidence that the developer/owner of the vineyard in Measure J, Mr Gilbreth, was present and moved up to the front of the room during this item?

    Since Measure J failed, Mr. Gilbreth's interest in our LAFCO appointment is bizarre. Unless he attends to return to LAFCO, perhaps with a different approach, and he would prefer a different Council Member from American Canyon.

    Regardless of his vested interest, Council Member Aboudamous deserves the opportunity to continue on LAFCO and leverage the experience she has already gained in her current partial LAFCO term.

    I encourage Oro to withdraw his request for the LAFCO appointment and to go as far as being the one to make the motion for the appointment of Aboudamous.

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    Sharon Parham over 1 year ago

    AC council member,

    I support keeping Mariam Aboudamous as a representative for the LAFCO commission.
    I heard that she is being pressured to leave it because of other people's perceived opinions on her pressures at home.
    This really is disturbing in that Mariam has no desire to leave it and has been doing a fine job.
    And it sounds like gender discrimination. How often has this reasoning been used on men that have young children at home?
    This sounds like this maneuver is connected to the results of Measure J, and a willingness to get someone on the commission who wants a different outcome.

    Thanks for hearing my concerns,

    Sharon Parham
    Napa County resident

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    Yvonne Baginski over 1 year ago

    The "awkwardness" felt by American Canyon City councilmembers at the December 20 meeting when David Oro asked to replace Mariam Aboudamous on LAFCO has resonated throughout the community. This awkwardness was further enhanced by the totally inappropriate and unchallenged statements made by two members of the public who are well-known and influential devotees of city council meetings. To watch this stomach-churning event unfold, without comment from any councilmembers, made me pause and think about who the council is actually representing? Aboudamous challenged the public remarks and Oro's move to unseat her soundly and without hesitation. But, the underlying issue is whether the current council is representing the interests of the American Canyon voters, who made a clear statement of "no more" in their defeat of Measure J. The pro-development interests have a strong grip in American Canyon, no doubt about it. Current zoning has opened a Pandora's box of financial opportunity. Where there is money, there is also power, greed and the ever-present potential for corruption. With industrial development we often see pollution, death and destruction. In our current life crisis of climate devastation, we must consider that the world has changed and land use decisions made 20-30 years ago need to be reconsidered in the light of our new reality. The comments about Aboudamous needing to stay home more, or care for her child...well, they are a distracting sideshow to this reality. Oro's jockeying for the LAFCO position seems to be a political retreat to the ways of thinking that pushed us to the climate crisis we are facing today. It's the way things may have worked in the past, but not our future. I urge the American City Councilmembers to remove themselves from the brink of that "awkwardness" represents and provide the leadership of standing ground to their commitment of a greater good for the future land, animals and people of American Canyon. That feeling of "awkwardness," well, that's a signal from the gut that something's not right. Oro's request, and the public's comments...those brought up that feeling not only for most of you, but also those watching the proceedings. Trust your gut on this one, Aboudamous has earned her position on LAFCO, remains dedicated to the aims of her original commitment and needs to be honored for her willingness to step forward in representing the true interests of the majority of American Canyon voters.

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    Hugh Marquez over 1 year ago

    In the last American Canyon City Council meeting there was a proposal for a different LAFCO representative from this council to represent our city. Councilwoman Mariam Aboudamous has represented our city for the past 2 years with integrity and concern for our city and has upheld the concerns of our city in the distribution of agriculture land and commercial land throughout the Napa Valley. While it may have run afoul of some council members beliefs, her actions were in direct relation to the will of the voters. There has been nothing in her job performance or relationship with the will of the voters that should negate her from continued service on the LAFCO Board. While some other council members may have found their work commitments to much for their committees( I applaud them for recognizing this and taking corrective action) I have not heard that concern from Councilwoman Aboudamous about LAFCO and after speaking with her about her continued LAFCO appointment. I found it quite absurd when 2 female AC citizens spoke out in favor of this change in appointment saying that Councilwoman Aboudamous may be distracted by her young child or family and might not have the proper time to give to LAFCO. I've always considered our city to be one of evolution and progress and find that the excuse of a child or family of a young professional mother to terminate her roll in a LAFO Committee as an affront to our towns values.
    I hope the Mayor and Council can see that Councilwoman Aboudamous is the correct choice to represent our city on the LAFCO Board

    It's also concerning that Tammy Wong a former Planning Commission member was also not renewed for her role on the Planning Commission. Tammy has kept the public informed and has encouraged public participation and to act on many Planning Commission issues ( something that many AC residents) feel is lacking in our city. Why would Tammy not be considered to remain on the Planning Commission with all her enthusiasm and concern for our city?

    I cant help but wonder if both these take away appointments are retribution for their support of anti-Measure J which failed due to the will of the voters and was not passed due to some shady attempt by a developer to lie and attempted to circumvent the citizens of American Canyon.
    Thank You
    Hugh Marquez

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    T L Wong over 1 year ago

    I support Council Member Mariam Aboudamous being appointed to LAFCO for a new term. It would be advantageous to leverage the experience she has gained in completing her first year towards a new term.

    I urge Mayor Garcia and Vice Mayor Washington to fully and strongly support Council Member Aboudamous remaining on LAFCO, and thank Council Member Joseph for his stated support at the last meeting and request that it continue.

    Mayor & Council, please explicitly denounce the hidden double-standard for Council Members that appears to exist in our community. (i.e. Vice Mayor Washington was relieved by his request of 2 committee positions without any comment, while Council Member Aboudamous is “told” that she needs more time for her family and should give up her LAFCO position).

    It’s disappointing that the blatant sexism expressed at the most recent City Council meeting was not immediately denounced by our City Council. Should this silence be inferred as tacit agreement? I urge you to use the earliest opportunity to rectify this omission.

    Tammy Wong
    American Canyon

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    Paul Moser over 1 year ago

    I am writing in support of the current LAFCO member from American Canyon, Mariam Aboudamous, that she continue in that position for a full term. I must say, it was shocking to consider the comments of two speakers at the December meeting, saying in effect that Ms. Aboudamous might want to spend more time at home with her daughter, and should be replaced on LAFCO. It was as if we had suddenly been transported back to 1958,or some such date when sexism was a general rule that rarely raised an eyebrow among the public. The only thing more shocking than those public comments was the silence that followed. No council member appeared willing to call out this absurd, blatant sexism.
    David Oro made it clear that he would like the LAFCO position, but it seems grossly unfair to consider replacing Ms. Aboudamous based on nothing other than someone's idea about the amount of time she dedicates to her family life. If there are other issues involved, such as Ms. Aboudamous's opposition to Measure J--as she herself suggested--it is an extremely poor precedent even to consider depriving her of the LAFCO position because of a stalwart and courageous defense of open spaces in Napa County. In my view, the council's silence and their decision to postpone the confirmation of Ms. Aboudamous is plainly shameful and needs to be called out in the strongest terms. She should be confirmed for the 2023 term immedaitely.

    Paul Moser