Meeting Time: December 21, 2023 at 6:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4.) Napa River Ecology Center Design Permit

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    Valerie ZizakMorais 9 months ago

    The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce endorses the Napa River Ecology Center, and we urge you to approve the applications before you tonight that will move this project forward We support for the Napa River Ecology Center and its transformative project aimed at repurposing the City's Corporation Yard along the Napa River Wetlands.
    The initiative to breathe new life into the existing 5,000-square-foot building and surrounding three-acre parcel demonstrates a commendable commitment to environmental conservation, education, and public access. The strategic location of this site, nestled along the Napa River Wetlands, presents an invaluable opportunity to create a lasting impact on our community and beyond. This will allow them to serve 20,000 people annually through nature programming and providing new public access to pristine Wetlands habitat, the center is set to become a cornerstone of environmental stewardship in Napa County.
    We are particularly impressed by the proposed kayak launch, which not only enhances recreational opportunities but also promotes a deeper connection with our natural surroundings. We see the opportunity to bring resources for not only the local residents but for the wine enthusiast looking to a break from wine tasting and learn about the beautiful wetlands. The inclusion of green demonstration features further underscores the commitment to sustainability and ecological consciousness.
    The proposal's inclusion of a kayak launch is particularly inspiring, as it not only enhances recreational opportunities for local residents but also provides a unique experience for wine enthusiasts seeking a kid-friendly activity outside of wine tasting. This thoughtful addition speaks to the project's versatility and potential to attract a diverse audience, fostering a deeper connection with our natural surroundings.
    As the American Chamber of Commerce and Welcome Center, we are excited about the positive impact the Napa River Ecology Center will have on our community. By supporting this project we are contributing to the creation of an enduring environmental legacy for Napa County and beyond. I look forward to witnessing the success of the Napa River Ecology Center and the positive changes it will bring to our community.


    Valerie Zizak-Morais Tom Phillips
    President/CEO 2023 Chairman of the Board
    American Canyon Chamber of Commerce American Canyon Chamber of Commerce

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    Scott Thomason 9 months ago

    As a member of the American Canyon Community & Parks Foundation (ACCPF), former President of the Board of Directors of ACCPF, and current Treasurer of the Sierra Club Napa Group's Executive Committee, and American Canyon resident, I want to offer my enthusiastic support for developing the Napa River Ecology Center. When completed, the Eco Center will be a regional destination for the thousands of adults and children to come and experience ACCPF's year-round environmental education and watershed ecology programs.

    I urge the Planning Commission to approve this exciting and imminently worthwhile endeavor on behalf of the City of American Canyon and ACCPF. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a learning center that will help preserve and protect the unique American Canyon wetlands, while offering programs that will help create future environmental stewards for generations to come.

    Most respectfully,

    Scott Thomason

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    Elizabeth Corey 9 months ago

    The Napa River Ecology Center is an exciting project for our community. As residents, we know that we live in a gem of a city - now it's time to share our valuable space with others. The ACCPF not only has a passion for the environment and our beautiful community - but a passion to share that with children and adults in the form of educational programs and events. I can hardly wait to see this vision become a reality!

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    Charles Plummer 9 months ago

    Dear Planning Commission - as an active ACCPF Board member, an active PCS Commissioner, and mostly importantly as a resident of American Canyon, I am delighted that the current city corp yard space will be repurposed and reimagined for a greater vision with more meaningful & thoughtful use of land. Use that promotes restoration of the wetlands, educates on the environment and the Napa waterways, and serves as a new ecological space for our growing community. This space will create a new destination and valuable interest from neighboring communities, like minded organizations, and eco-friendly citizens from all walks of life. I'm proud that this city and community has the vision and mindfulness to bond over this project and support the future of our city for its residence.
    Charlie Plummer
    ACCPF Board Member
    PCS Commissioner
    Father/Husband/AmCan Resident

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    Laurie Claudon 9 months ago

    Dear Planning Commissioners,
    Thank you for this opportunity to address you. Save Napa Valley Foundation’s Board of Directors would like to add our name to all who support approval of the American Canyon Ecological Center’s Design Permit. What an amazing project!
    The center’s proposed design takes an old utilitarian structure and its degraded site and creates something beautiful and extremely functional while addressing the environmental needs of our times. This project is an exceptional example of what repurposing can achieve. The proposed design fully supports the goals of the center. Bravo to the design team and all who have worked tirelessly to make their vision a reality.
    As a pro-active Ecology Center, we believe the American Canyon Ecological Center will serve to educate both children and adults as well as facilitate care for the expansive ecosystem that surrounds it. We look forward to the future ribbon cutting of the completed American Canyon Ecology Center.
    Laurie Claudon
    SNVF Board of Directors

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    Chris Benz 9 months ago

    I am writing on behalf of the Napa Group of the Sierra Club to express our support for the development of the Napa River Ecology Center (Eco Center). The Sierra Club has been an enthusiastic supporter of the American Canyon Community and Parks Foundation’s efforts to bring this very beneficial project forward.

    The Eco Center will provide year-round access to environmental education programs and watershed ecology information for the entire Bay Area. The City of American Canyon is to be applauded for partnering with ACCCPF to provide a location and additional support for the project.

    We are pleased to see it come before the Planning Commission and urge your input and support.

    Chris Benz
    Secretary, Sierra Club Napa Group

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    Hugh Marquez 9 months ago

    I Hugh Marquez 58 Crawford Way wish to give my support in favor of the design for the Napa River Ecology Center