Meeting Time: May 25, 2023 at 6:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item

2.) Chicken Guy Restaurant Conditional Use Permit 

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    Lori Stelling over 1 year ago

    Dear City of American Canyon Planning Commission,

    As the parent of a Napa teen who follows this and other valley-wide fossil fuel station and drive-thru development decisions, I urge the American Canyon Planning Commission to support the future and health of our youth by denying the drive-thru element of the proposed Chicken Guy Drive-Thru Restaurant.

    The fact that the City of American Canyon’s July 2022 Climate Emergency Resolution did not prohibit new drive-thrus or other auto oriented uses does not seem to me to be a good reason to approve permits for restaurant projects that would increase idling in 2023. Are our valley-wide climate emergency resolutions not a call to strive to reach net zero climate pollutants by 2030, on behalf of our children and grandchildren having the chance at a livable future? In her piece, “A Climate Scientist’s Take on Hope” (from Not Too Late: Changing the Climate Story from Despair to Possibility, edited by Rebecca Solnit + Thelma Young Lutunatabua, 2023), climate scientist and a lead author on the most recent IPCC report from the United Nations, Dr. Joëlle Gergis, shares:

    “We have urgent decisions to make about how much will be lost to future generations. We must choose what we are willing to save… Perhaps the most important message to come out of the latest IPCC report is this: How bad we let things get is still in our hands. Additional warming will be determined by future emissions. That is, what policies governments around the world choose to do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and restore ecosystems will directly lead to restabilizing the Earth’s climate. Or not.”

    I see this drive thru-restaurant as an example of “preference” vs. “need”. Drive-thru services and convenience are a “preference” that many of us have had for many modern years but, from my view, within our “new normal” of climate emergency and worsening air pollution, drive-thru convenience is not a “need” when park/turn off car/pick-up services can be offered to those who are unable to leave their vehicle and enter a walk-in restaurant. I strongly urge you to deny the drive-thru element of the Chicken Guy Restaurant permit and meet the needs of this difficult moment. Working together, community by community, project by project, I do believe that we can make a significant difference in future emissions and give our children hope. But, only if we move swiftly, and now.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    ~ Lori Stelling

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    Jeannette Goyetche over 1 year ago

    I oppose the drive-thru aspect of the ChickenGuy's Restaurant. I agree that a drive-thru can be convenient,but it is really important to recognize the hazards as well. When the topic of idling vehicles was brought to my attention,specifically relating to drive-thru restaurants,I was skeptical but became curious & started educating myself on this subject. Exhaust contains many pollutants that are linked to heart & lung diseases and many other illnesses.
    Some of the arguments I have heard:What is the difference--1 more drive thru? The traffic on 29 is a worse problem.EV cars and trucks will be mandatory in a few years. My answers:I am certain not all of us have EV cars or cars that shut off when idling.And ,yes,Traffic on 29 is unbearable,& traffic may be unbearable to the folks who live near the restaurant. Another argument: Chicken Guy will employ a number of people.No number is given regarding employment and will they be A.C residents or from elsewhere needing to drive to the restaurant causing more traffic and congestion?
    I want to be clear of what my argument is: I have no objection to the restaurant itself. There are options that have been presented that seem workable:sit down restaurant;drive up parking spots to order, shut off engine and pick up food.. There may be other ideas also.
    For some, the drive thru fight seems silly and useless.I know because that is what I have experienced when talking about the subject. There is so much to be concerned about environmental issues. Having read the science, I know and understand that Climate Change is a Climate Crisis. Years ago when it became clear that plastics were a problem and oceans began to look like garbage dumps, causing concern for people and animals,recycling programs were adopted across the community at a time. One plastic bag in an ocean of water -no problem...many plastic bags... a real problem and disaster. One Drive thru in a problem,many drive thrus, a problem. It is the cumulative effect of toxic emissions from Traffic on 29,waiting for children at schools & drive thru situations that all adds up to toxic air. It all adds up and is all connected.
    Please drop the drive thru aspect of the restaurant. If not, I hope the information re:idling vehicles will make us all aware while we are sitting in our car,idling waiting for Starbucks or Taco Bell & encourage us to go into the restaurant or stop the engine while waiting. I know the information has helped me . Thank you.

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    T L Wong over 1 year ago

    I am a resident of American Canyon.

    We're in a climate crisis, yet we are seriously considering a drive thru restaurant, a business proposal that says 70% will be drive thru customers.

    Unfortunately, after witnessing how conscientious people are about picking up after their dogs, not parking in the red zones around schools, and obeying the neighborhood speed limits, can we really rely on them to turn off their engines to reduce idling emissions while waiting in a drive thru lane? And, while EVs are in the future, how often does the average person buy a new car? So, unfortunately, let us rely on the most obvious answer to protecting our air quality and preventing air pollution: no new drive thru.

    I also thought a goal of the Broadway District Specific Plan was to be more pedestrian-oriented, not auto-oriented with twenty cars waiting in line, spewing emissions. Is the BDSP being tossed aside, now that the Watson Ranch Town Center is gaining traction?

    Seeing that the city is going ahead with making a decision on the Chicken Guy drive thru restaurant without a traffic study, we only know the developer's estimate of 1300 new car trips per day, and that there will be a corresponding increase of congestion on adjacent roads.

    We would likely know how this impacts nearby roads if a traffic study were being done. We would likely know if this makes it more or less safe for students choosing to walk or bicycle to the nearby high school. But we don't know, because the city is not requiring one; the city is asking only for a net trip calculation, to make sure the traffic impact fees are calculated correctly.

    I think features like a bike-thru lane, curbside delivery or even a pedestrian pick up window are both convenient and avoid or minimize the impact of air pollution.

    Please, let us prioritize maintaining a good quality of life and livable planet for future generations, not the short-term gratification of quicker, faster and more convenient fast food.