Meeting Time: March 23, 2023 at 6:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item

2.) Chicken Guy Restaurant Conditional Use Permit

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    Valerie ZizakMorais over 1 year ago

    March 23, 2023

    Re: American Canyon Chamber of Commerce Endorses Chicken Guy Restaurant
    The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce endorses the Chicken Guy Restaurant project and we urge you to approve the applications before you tonight that will move this project forward.

    The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce understands the value of bringing in more affordable food options for our residents and workers here in American Canyon. We know that this restaurant will have a following of its own and we believe it will be extremely successful. We also like the location of the restaurant and know that is will be a benefit to the American Canyon High School students and gives them another food option without having to cross over HWY29.

    As the Chamber, we represent our members, and the business community of American Canyon. We believe that the Chicken Guy
    Restaurant will be a great asset to the community. We appreciate your consideration and look forward to having this project in American Canyon.


    Valerie Zizak-Morais Tom Phillips
    President/CEO 2023 Chairman of the Board
    American Canyon Chamber of Commerce Chamber Board of Directors

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    Yvonne Baginski over 1 year ago

    I hope you paid attention to the news this week. Climate scientists, representing 200 nations, warns that the planet is on track for catastrophic warming. At this point in time, it is unstoppable. We aren't going to be able to avoid the catastrophic effects of global warming.

    However, you, each of the planning commission for the City of American Canyon, can play a role in softening the impact. There is a template that was presented to the City Council on actions that need to be taken. It is a plan from which all decisions need to be made.

    There is no doubt that fossil fuels are the driver of climate change. Each time a decision is placed before this planning commission, are you considering whether this is increasing or decreasing the fossil fuel emissions in your community?
    You have a responsibility, as appointed by the politicians, that any path forward on any action taken must include reliance on fossil fuels.

    Right now, you are considering allowing another drive-thru restaurant in American Canyon. It you refuse to allow another drive thru, you will be sending a clear message to future developers. That message will be one of consideration for the future of the children and families of this community. No more drive thrus is a start, a very small step. But it could initiate change. Change must starts somewhere.

    The UN report stresses that the change has to happen now. Not next year. Now. This is the time to start. Please recommend that Chicken Guys remove the drive thru plans from their design. It will be a message of hope in the otherwise dark days that we are promised, are ahead of us.

  • Me
    Jason Kishineff over 1 year ago

    It is known that idling cars produce pools of carbon monoxide and other toxic pollutants, many of which are contributing to the destabilization of our atmosphere. It seems to me that a city that is trying to reduce carbon emissions ought not to be endorsing more drive thru restaurants. I've never heard of Chicken Guy, but I stand with Napa Climate Now in opposing the addition of more drive thru restaurants. Yes, other restaurants have them. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't start looking forward at NOT having them. If you always go by the status quo, you'll never change anything. Additionally, I wonder if there was a traffic study done, and if so where is it?

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    Chris James over 1 year ago

    This comment is specific to the drive-thru portion of the project and related car idling. I oppose cars idling on any new project in the city. The associated air pollution is bad for the environment. The air pollution is also unhealthy for 1 out of 5 people in Napa County who suffer from asthma, per the California Department of Public Health.

    Please ask the developer to remove the drive-thru portion of the project.

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    Celeste Mirassou over 1 year ago

    I oppose the permit for the Chicken Guy drive-thru restaurant. Drive-thru restaurants add to air pollution and set back the fight against global climate disruption.

    This is an opportunity for the City of American Canyon to be a leader in the climate fight just as you were when you banned new gas stations. In addition, you may be saving yourselves a lot of future traffic congestion as experienced by other communities that approved permits for Raising Cane.

    In the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, we need too do "Everything, everywhere all at once." We can't afford to create new opportunities that accelerate climate disruption.

    Thank you.
    Celeste Mirassou

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    Jose Rangel over 1 year ago

    I live in American Canyon and oppose the car idling created by drive-thru; please remove the drive thru. There is already enough smog created by cars just passing through! We need more environmental conscious law makers on the council. Seriously.

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    SG P over 1 year ago

    While it's a bonus if the drive-thru option can be eliminated, if it boils down to all-or-nothing,
    I support having the Chicken Guy restaurant in American Canyon for the following reasons:

    1. It's not the type of restaurant that influences the behavior of a driver. It's up to the drivers if they want to keep their cars idling while waiting.
    A drive-thru restaurant does not necessarily equate to more emissions esp now that more and more EV / hybrid vehicles are on the road. From my experience, when I go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts and the line is long, I turn off my engine or use the Auto Stop/Start engine option (available in newer cars).

    2. Having a drive-thru is convenient for certain situations (e.g. if you are on the go and it's pouring rain and you have small kids/disabled passengers with you and you just want to get food in a safe manner)

    3. We don't have many Chicken options in American Canyon. Most are in Vallejo and we all know how bad the road conditions are on Sonoma Blvd. Having another option which is near for most residents is a welcome addition.

    4. The key to reducing air pollution is to reduce the gas emissions at a large scale level.

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    Jeannette Goyetche over 1 year ago

    I am an American Canyon resident. I oppose the drive thru portion of the Chicken Guy's restaurant, not construction of the restaurant itself. The idling of cars causing increased air pollution, traffic congestion and wasting of gas are my concerns. We are in a climate emergency and if we can limit some air pollution, why not? Please remove the drive-thru aspect of the restaurant. Drive-thru restaurants are a convenience, but clean breathable air is a necessity. A.C has a number of drive thru restaurants. Adding one more may not seem like a big deal, but air pollution has a cumulative effect that we might not notice till it is too late. Please remove the drive-thru. Thank you.

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    Chris Benz over 1 year ago

    I oppose the drive-through part of the restaurant because it will result in more localized air pollution from idling cars.
    This is in direct conflict with the City of American Canyon's adoption of a Climate Emergency Resolution with a goal of net zero climate pollutants by 2030.
    I think the restaurant can be a benefit to the community, if it does not include the drive-through, but instead has an open-air dining area that can serve as a community meeting place.
    Eight other Chicken Guy locations DO NOT have drive-throughs. Let the restaurant use curb-side service.

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    Jeanne Hillyard over 1 year ago

    I oppose another drive-through for American Canyon. I work in American Canyon and don’t feel that a drive-through that will cause the idling of cars is in keeping with the climate emergency resolution that should guide all planning decisions.

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    T L Wong over 1 year ago

    As a resident of American Canyon,
    --I oppose the drive thru
    --I oppose more traffic with a side of air pollution simply for convenience
    --I oppose the lack of clarity about how much new traffic will be generated. Why no traffic study?
    --I oppose projects that put their profit over a livable planet for the next generation

    Why I am specifically against the drive thru and associated car idling:
    - Wastes gas
    - Drive thru increases car idling and the amount of air pollution in our environment.
    1) The California Air Resources Board recognizes that reducing idling is important “to help protect our community’s health and our environment”

    2) 22% of Napa County diagnosed with asthma (2019-2020 data), versus average of 15% in California. Napa County ranks 10th highest for populations with asthma out of 58 county groups per California Department of Public Health

    3) “In 2011, Napa County had an average of 7.5 micrograms per cubic meter of particulate matter compared to 8.0 in California overall. The only places within the county that exceed the county average are American Canyon and a part of Napa, mainly because of transportation and traffic.” per Breathe California, nonprofit fighting lung disease and promoting lung health, citing information from the California Department of Public Health

    Thank you for considering my input before making this important decision.

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    Bill Kramer over 1 year ago

    I support the new restaurant. More business means more taxable income to the city. If you think it’s to unhealthy for you to eat, don’t go.

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    marion sullivan over 1 year ago

    I oppose the Chicken Guy Restaurant for 2 reasons:-
    1 Air pollution
    2 Unhealthy fast food.