Meeting Time: February 23, 2023 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

3.) Chicken Guy Restaurant Conditional Use Permit

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Celeste Mirassou over 1 year ago

    I applaud a position that you took a while back when American Canyon was considering more gas stations. I believe you said, “We’ve got to believe in global warming today.” And I very much appreciate your aiming high for the City of American Canyon when you said, in the same meeting, “We have the potential to be more than gas stations and fast food stores.” I don’t need to tell you that another fast food restaurant is not the development that will bring living wage jobs to American Canyon.
    Here’s some information for you to consider as you weigh this decision: Cities across the country and abroad have adopted or are considering bans on drive-throughs to address air pollution and climate change. % of fast food sales in the US are made via drive-through restaurants.
    I wonder if you’re looking forward to how we will share the costs of reducing our climate foot print. Some communities are already acting to ban gas ranges, and, more recently, there is increasing discussion about the need to eliminate gas heaters for residences. If your homeowners are asked or required by state, county or city regulations to replace expensive appliances, how will they feel as they drive by the franchise drive-through? These drive-through franchises are not exactly small Mom & Pop businesses and, instead, may require seven figures funding to start up. Is it really fair to continue to permit new businesses to generate a disproportionate amount of pollutants with no financial impact and then ask your constituents to fund the projects needed to fight climate change? I don’t think so. One other consideration - traffic flow: This Burbank video shows what happened when Raising Cane opened: Lines of cars and no parking for neighboring businesses. I have read about other examples in other parts of Southern California where the line of traffic made it difficult to enter the freeway, but I thought this televised video best demonstrates the problem. I urge you to keep your promise to your community and to move toward climate neutrality. Approving this permit would amount to digging the hole deeper, as opposed to climbing out.

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    Lori Stelling over 1 year ago

    Dear City of American Canyon Planning Commissioners,

    As the parent of a Napa teen and someone who’s been involved in climate advocacy since my son was 9 and I began to understand the full extent of the climate emergency, I do my best to stay abreast of past and present decisions made by jurisdictions throughout our county on fossil fuel station and drive-thru development, with an eye on supporting pathways that help each jurisdiction meet their goal of net zero climate pollutants by 2030.

    My family is deeply grateful for the City of American Canyon’s decision to put a moratorium on future fossil fuel station development, paving the way for other cities and towns throughout the Bay Area and the US to do the same.

    At this time, it’s drive-thru development that’s on the table. If new drive-thrus continue to be developed in 2023, such as the proposed Chicken Guy Restaurant Drive Thru, I am concerned that we adults will be sending the message to our youth that we value convenience today over their chance at a livable future tomorrow. For me, as a parent, it’s not just about the carbon emissions that each new drive-thru will invite and produce, it’s about the type of lifestyle that drive-thrus encourage (a lifestyle that we must begin to let go of if we're going to have a chance at healing this crisis and giving our children hope). It’s also of concern to me that if the City of American Canyon, which has a gas station ban, allows new drive-thru development, this may actually discourage other jurisdictions from banning future drive-thru development that would support them in meeting their goal of net zero climate pollutants by 2030. To me, a ban on future gas stations and a ban on future drive-thrus go hand in hand.

    For all of these reasons, I urge you to deny approval of this drive-thru application and consider the possibility of a walk-up, dine-in Chicken Guy Restaurant. We know that encouraging cars to idle is unacceptable practice at this point in the climate crisis (schools are already creating idle-free zones), and we must choose a pathway forward that encourages a sustainable lifestyle and brings our youth hope. If every city, town and county do their part, step-by-step, I do believe we can create the kind of active and engaged hope that must become mainstream for healing to be possible.

    Thank you for your consideration of this important climate issue and for your care of your community.


    Lori Stelling