Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: December 06, 2022 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

17.) Giovannoni Logistics Center Warehouse Project

Cover Page 0.0 Location Map 0.1 Site Plan 0.2 Site Photographs 0.3 Wetlands Delineation Map 0.4 Fault Zone Map 0.6 Building Photosimulations 0.7 Preliminary Landscape Plan 1. A. Giovannoni Logistics Center Draft EIR 1. K. 54600001 Final EIR Giovannoni 1. L. Final EIR Appendix J - Travel Behavior Memorandum COMBINED 1. M. Final EIR Appendix K - Fire Fiscal Impact Analysis COMBINED 1. N. Final EIR Appendix L - Wildlife Hazard Assessment COMBINED 1. O. 54600001 Giovannoni Logistics Center Project MMRP 1. P. 54600001 Giovannoni Logistics Center Project FOF_11-10-22 2. Giovannoni CC Design Permit Reso 2. Giovannoni CC Design Permit Reso 2.A. Giovannoni Design Permit Architectural Plans 2.A2. Giovannoni Logistics Center Photometric plan 2.B Confirmation of Design Permit Conditions 2.B Confirmation of Design Permit Conditions 2.C. Fire District Resolution 2022-29 3. Giovannoni CC TPM Reso 3. Giovannoni CC TPM Reso 3.A. Giovannoni Tentative Parcel Map Plans 3.B.Confirmation of TPM Conditions 3.B.Confirmation of TPM Conditions 3.C. Fire District Resolution 2022-29 1 Giovannoni CC CEQA Reso 1. B. Appendix A - Notice of Preparation-Comments COMBINED 1. C. Appendix B - AQ, Energy, GHG Emissions Supporting INFO COMBINED 1. D. Appendix C - Biological Resources Supporting Info COMBINED 1. E. Appendix D - Cultural-Tribal Cultural Resources Supporting Info PUBLIC 1. F. Appendix E - Geological Supporting Info COMBINED 1. G. Appendix F - Hazardous Materials Supporting Info COMBINED 1. H. Appendix G - Noise Supporting Information COMBINED 1. I. Appendix H - Transportation Supporting Info COMBINED 1. J. Appendix I - Utilities and Service Systems Supporting Info COMBINED 1 Giovannoni CC CEQA Reso WSA 1 Giovannoni CC CEQA Reso WSA 0.5 Important EIR Milestones 0.8. Building A and B Development Standards 0.9. Parcel Line To Adjust
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    Valerie ZizakMorais almost 2 years ago

    The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce strongly endorses the Giovannoni Logistics Center
    Development and we urge you to approve the applications before you tonight that will move this project
    There are currently limited vacancies for wine storage. Green Island Road is the Champion of the Wine
    Industry with millions of cases of wine passing through it every year. We need to support this growing
    industry, encourage wine supporting businesses, to be in American Canyon, and welcome them as they
    locate and grow here. If the businesses don't come to American Canyon, they go into South Unincorporated
    County or Sonoma, meaning no benefits to our City.
    As the Chamber, we represent our members, and the business community of American Canyon. We believe that
    the Giovannoni Logistics Center Project needs to be approved because it will provide the following economic
    development benefits for our community:
    1. Promote development that generates net positive tax revenues for the City by generating more in new tax
    revenues than are consumed by City expenditures on services provided to the development.
    2. Create new employment opportunities for residents of Napa County and the surrounding region.
    3. Develop compatible land uses near the Napa County Airport in the interest of avoiding interference with
    aviation operations.
    4. Improve American Canyon’s jobs-housing ratio by adding new employment opportunities.
    5. Continue the orderly development of the Devlin Road corridor with a well-designed project.
    6. Further the goals and policies of the City of American Canyon General Plan by developing land
    contemplated to support urban development to its highest and best use.
    7. Preserve the most biologically sensitive portions of the project site as open space.
    8. Install circulation improvements along Green Island Road and Devlin Road that provide efficient ingress and
    egress to the Proposed Project while also ensuring these facilities operate at acceptable levels.
    9. Promote public safety by incorporating security measures into the project design.
    10. Mitigate impacts on the environment through the implementation of feasible mitigation measures.
    We appreciate your consideration and look forward to having the Giovannoni Logistics Center Project
    welcomed in American Canyon

    Valerie Zizak-Morais Gladys Milligan
    President/CEO 2022 Chairman of the Board
    American Canyon Chamber of Commerce Chamber Board of Directors

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    Steven Piepkorn almost 2 years ago

    Good evening, my name is Steven Piepkorn and I’m with the Golden State Environmental Justice Alliance. We submitted a comment letter to the Draft Environmental Impact Report. Our letter identified several deficiencies with the DEIR. The deficiencies include but are not limited to, air quality, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, land use, transportation, cumulative effects, alternatives, and other CEQA alternatives.

    During these turbulent times, we as citizens expect and deserve our local government’s elected and appointed officials to protect us from environmental and social injustice, to aid in the preservation and rehabilitation of the environment in which we all share, and to ensure accountability and responsibility in regard to the environmental decisions they may make.

    We stand by our comment letter and believe the EIR is flawed, and must be redrafted and recirculated for public review. In closing we call on this Council to be a leader on the aforementioned issues and be the first line of defense for our citizenry and environment. Only by working together can we continue to be excellent stewards of our environment, outstanding stewards to our citizens and each other. Thank You.