Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: February 01, 2022 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

9.) Citywide Capital Improvement Needs and American Rescue Plan Act Funding Discussion

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    Rose Maldonado over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and Council:
    As a resident of American Canyon, I'm writing to bring such an important item to your attention as you discuss what to do with 4.9 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. We need to address a need that our city faces with the Community Cats. Community Cats are present in almost every community in the US and managing them has become a challenge. Community cats primarily originate from lost or abandoned pet cats who have not been sterilized. Unaltered cats multiple in a short period of time and live in groups known as colonies. We can’t say that they are wild because these cats do rely on the kind people who provide food for them and these cats usually find shelter in human habitation and other structures. Community cats can also be a nuisance to residents. However, these animals didn't ask to be born but they are here now and it is our responsibility to ensure that they are safe, managed and that we stop more from being born. The only way to do that is through TRAP-NEUTER-RETURN. In our city, resources are limited or non-existing. Local rescues are tired and are doing everything they can with limited funds. I have personally helped rescue and fostered 30+ cats in the past two years. The pandemic has made it very difficult for residents to access spay/neuter services. We need the City of American Canyon to step up and support TNR efforts as it would be a win-win for all.
    ARPA Solution Opportunity: By using ARPA funds, the city can expand assistance in each area of the prescribed TNR solution.

    TRAP: provide a trap depot where residents have access to traps locally in American Canyon.
    NEUTER: expand veterinary services for altering cats to stabilize the population growth and eventually eliminate population growth.
    RETURN: support colony maintenance. As a community, we have the responsibility to care for these community cats, to provide for them as needed. Volunteers who provide this service should not be harassed by other individuals in the community.

    In closing, I hope that you will consider my input. With Trap-Neuter-Return, we can stabilize the population humanely, improve the cats’ lives, save taxpayer dollars, address neighbors’ concerns, and help the entire community reach a solution that benefits everyone.
    If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact me.
    Rose Maldonado

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    Andre Gardiner over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and Council,

    Attached please find my comment.

    Thank you
    Andre Gardiner

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    T L Wong over 2 years ago

    Dear Mayor and Council,

    Attached please find my comment.

    Thank you
    Tammy Wong