Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: November 16, 2021 at 6:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

3.) Climate Change Proclamation

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Linda Brown almost 3 years ago

    Hello, Councilmembers,
    I’m Linda Brown, a Napa County resident of 23 years, and a co-founder of Napa Climate NOW!, a non-partisan group of concerned citizens dedicated to finding solutions to our climate crisis based on the latest climate science. Commenting on behalf of Napa Climate NOW!, I would like to express our strong support for the City Council’s proclamation recognizing the global climate emergency. Tonight’s Proclamation reflects a clear understanding of the scale and urgency of the crisis we face, as reflected in its stated intention to review policy and planning decisions through the lens of climate change, its commitment to amend the General Plan, its recognition of the need for full community participation and support, and the need for immediate and sustained action, and its goal of achieving net zero climate pollution by 2030.
    This Proclamation is particularly timely coming on the heels of the COP 26 negotiations. As we saw in Glasgow, it is extremely difficult for countries to negotiate terms sufficient to meet the extreme climate challenges we now face. Governments need to know that their citizenry are behind them. Your Climate Emergency Proclamation puts American Canyon in alignment with local and regional jurisdictions around the country and the world that are urging their country representatives on.
    As you may have noted, the most powerful voices in Glasgow weren’t government officials, however. They were the voices of our youth. Our children and grandchildren are inheriting a truly frightening world. We owe it to them to take every step possible from this moment forward to do no further harm, and to work tirelessly toward full climate restoration. This won’t be easy, and will require sacrifice, but it will also encourage innovation, spawn new economic opportunities, and set the stage for new, more sustainable ways of living together.
    Schools for Climate Action has helped lead the charge here in Napa County, seeking and achieving Climate Emergency Resolutions at the Napa Valley Unified School District, and in the City of Calistoga. We support Schools for Climate Action’s call for American Canyon to move ahead toward the next step – to declare a full Climate Emergency Resolution.
    Thank you.
    Linda Brown