Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: September 21, 2021 at 6:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

14.) Oat Hill Multifamily Residential Project -  Zone Change Ordinance Second Reading and Project Entitlements

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    David Morrison about 3 years ago

    Dear Mayor Garcia and Honorable Members of the City Council;

    Napa County respectfully requests that the American Canyon City Council delay its consideration of Item No. 13 on today’s agenda, regarding the zone change ordinance second reading and project entitlements for the Oat Hill Multi family Residential Project. The proposed action violates the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and contravenes the City’s own General Plan. In addition, as set forth by the California State Transportation Agency Division of Aeronautics, the project contravenes the Napa County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan and the City’s findings to the contrary are insufficient and lack substantial evidence. Tonight’s proposed action would expose the City and the project applicant to significant and unnecessary legal risk.

    Instead of taking action tonight, the County respectfully requests that the City and project applicant meet with the County to discuss the serious concerns expressed by the State of California and Napa County, and reach a resolution that avoids significant harm to the Napa County Airport and creation of an unwelcome precedent for future projects.

    The County’s opposition to the project as currently proposed is resolute, as previously detailed in the Airport Land Use Commission’s (ALUC) letter of August 18, 2021, and the September 3, 2021, letter from the law firm of Kaplan, Kirsch, and Rockwell. In the interest of finding a mutually acceptable resolution to our differences, Napa County remains willing to discuss alternatives that would provide much needed housing for the community, while at the same time protecting the long-term interests of the only regional airport. The County is ready to meet later this week or next to expedite the discussion.

    In these complex and uncertain times, we face challenges that increasingly require a coordinated response. There is a clear need for local government to meet and develop mutually acceptable strategies to resolve problems. Unilateral decisions, particularly those that directly affect neighboring jurisdictions, will result in significant cost and delay instead of needed long-term solutions

    On behalf of the County, I urge the Council to defer action on the Oat Hill Multi family Residential Project and allow a dialogue to begin on this critically important matter.


    Minh C. Tran
    County Executive Officer