Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: September 21, 2021 at 6:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

5.) Presentation -  Napa Schools for Climate Action

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Tammy Wong about 3 years ago

    Glad to see our young residents active in shaping their future. I hope our city leadership takes note of their valid concerns and takes extra measurers to consider the environmental cost in all future decisions.

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    City Clerk admin about 3 years ago

    Submitted by Nick Cheranich, Chair, Napa Sierra Club Group
    RE: Support for the Important Recommendations of the members of the Napa Schools for Climate Action.

    To the Distinguished Members of the American Canyon City Council:

    The Napa Sierra Club Group supports the efforts of the Napa Schools for Climate Action in asking the American Canyon City Council to implement a permanent ban on all new gas station permits and development in American Canyon. It is incredibly important that local governments such as the American Canyon City Council take the initiative in demonstrating to its citizens that the Climate Crisis is real and poses an increasing danger to this and future generations. By enacting a ban, the Council would be showing its citizenry that they are willing to set an example of acting on this clear and present danger by taking needed steps in the dismantling of the Fossil Fuel infrastructure.

    Another huge way in which to demonstrate to its citizens that the American Canyon City Council is serious about the Climate Crisis is to adopt a resolution declaring a Climate Emergency, just as the Napa Valley Unified School District did in 2019, and which the Calistoga City Council is currently discussing. This too will send a powerful message to the citizens of American Canyon, as well as the entire County, that local government understands the Climate Crisis as something that is occurring now, and not something that will happen in some distant future.

    In closing, the Napa Sierra Club Group and its 2300 members and supporters are looking to the American Canyon City Council to show the leadership and to be the vanguard for climate action by accepting the requests of our community’s youth, and the members of the Napa Schools for Climate Action to take the necessary actions to make our world a better and safer place.